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Blue State Blasts Biden’s “Too Open” Borders

Looks like Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s bussing strategy has had the desired effect, contrary to media reports that claim otherwise.

As reported by the New York Post, more than 110,000 migrants have arrived to New York City over the past 1.5 years, which has apparently woken up more than one Democrat to the fact that open borders probably aren’t the greatest idea in the world.

Trump’s wall, however, most definitely is.

And, rather unsurprisingly, it appears that more than one Democrat is probably in silent agreement with Trump, as they are clearly not even pretending to agree with Biden anymore.

A particularly vocal Democrat includes New York Governor Kathy Hochul, who was instilled in power following former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s removal.

During a recent appearance on “Face the Nation,” Hochul was rather blunt about the illegal migration crisis unfolding across the nation.

“It is too open right now,” Hochul remarked grimly.

Gee, you don’t say. Trump’s only been talking about (and doing something about) that for the last 8+ years that he’s been involved in politics.

“People coming from all over the world are finding their way through, simply saying they need asylum, and the majority of them seem to be ending up in the streets of New York, and that is a real problem for New York City,” Hochul continued.

Yep. That’s usually a “real problem” that emerges with so-called sanctuary cities.

“We want [Congress] to have a limit on who can come across the border,” Hochul added angrily.

Take it up with your own party, Ms. Hochul. Republicans would have long since built the wall, had Biden let them.

“Congress has to put more controls at the border … Talk about eliminating positions for Border Patrol, well, we actually need to double or quadruple those numbers,” Hochul continued to rant.

Alas, Biden decided to remove multiple active-duty troops from the border in early August instead, further aiding and abetting the crisis.

To a degree it appears almost … deliberate.

After all, Russia and China know very well the power destabilization of a nation can have, and given how rich the Biden cadre has gotten from both nations, it wouldn’t be surprising at all if they were indirectly helping their financial benefactors through slowly destroying the nation.

Or, in the case of illegal migration, rapidly.

Hochul’s ranting and raving on “Face the Nation” mirror her remarks on CNN approximately two weeks earlier, where she continued to berate the government for not doing enough to secure the border.

In remarks to CNN, the New York governor bemoaned how “the volume keeps growing and growing” at the border.

“You have to ensure that we can also have controls at the borders and not welcome even more people to come who think they’re going to come for the job … It really does have to slow down at the border because the volume keeps growing and growing,” Hochul raged.

Well, yeah. The volume would continue growing as migrants get word that they get free hotel stays, paid meals, and endless benefits, all on the American taxpayer dime.

“So, we have to also message properly that we’re at our limit. ‘If you’re going to leave your country, go somewhere else,’” Hochul added pointedly.

Ah. Because “proper messaging” really stops criminals.

Didn’t seem migrants cared much when Ms. Kamala Harris lamely intoned, “Don’t come,” a command that was disregarded by literally everyone.

In remarks to the New York Post, Representative Nicole Malliotakis demonstrated clear disgust with Hochul’s handwringing, especially as illegal migration is the direct result of horrible Democrat policies.

“House Republicans passed our border security act in May with no help from the Democrats, and the Senate has taken zero action to pass our bill or any other immigration measure … Also, [Hochul] should stop incentivizing illegal immigration to New York with her offers of free college tuition, healthcare and drivers’ licenses,” Malliotakis remarked coolly.

Indeed, she should.

But like most Dems, ranting is easier than doing.

Author: Jane Jones

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