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Biden Plans Bizarre Border Visit

If there is one thing that the Biden administration can be counted on for in 2023, it is the continued incompetence at the border.

Incompetence borne of indifference to the plight Americans are suffering, mind you.

In fact, the border crisis is all the more acute when comparing how relatively secure it became under former President Donald Trump, only for President Biden to torpedo it all as soon as he swept into office.

Needless to say, people who actually care about national security are becoming a tad incensed.

In December, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham roasted Biden for his continued disregard of the border, noting that such indifference is especially problematic during a time when Title 42, a Trump Era policy, will vanish, thereby encouraging even more illegal immigration.

“When Title 42 goes away as a deportation tool, you are going to double the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country in about a week. We are going to have 100,000 illegals coming across the border a week, in about a week, and he has done nothing to fix the problem,” Graham declared.

On top of that, Biden has never even bothered to visit the border.

Former President Trump, however, has, including during Biden’s presidency.

“[Biden] has never been to the border. It is so unconscionable for him not to go to the border and listen to the agents and people trying to control the border, what life is like along our southern border,” Graham added.

It’s pretty clear by now that Democrats don’t care “what life is like” for most, especially given their obsession with endless lockdowns.

Needless to say, White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre offered an ineffectual response as usual, claiming that “[the president’s focus] is to come up with solutions … making sure that we have the resources to manage what – the challenges that we’re seeing at the border.”

Is that so? How about when Biden shamelessly attacked border agents for “whipping” migrants, when that was not, in fact, what they were doing?

In fact, the photographer who captured the photo sent an email to appropriate parties stating that the migrants were not being whipped, but the Biden administration ran with the lie anyway.

So, the main action Biden has taken “at the border” to date has been to attack his own border agents.

“To see people treated like they did, horses barely running over, people being strapped – it’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences,” Biden raged upon viewing the photos.

Apparently, Biden made a whipping motion with his hands for emphasis. Anything for optics.

Apparently, Biden has suddenly decided to visit the border this weekend, a rather abrupt decision, and likely to deflect from the fact he just poured billions more into the ongoing war in Europe.

“I will visit the border myself this Sunday in El Paso to assess border enforcement operations, meet with the local officials and community leaders and the folks at the border telling me what they need that they don’t have, and making public what they need that they don’t have to try and convince my Republican colleagues they should do something,” Biden boomed.

Say what? Convince Republicans to do something? Is he serious?

Apparently, he is.

One can only imagine the other gaffes he has in store, especially given the following.

“Title 42 is going to go away before the end of the year, in terms of the Supreme Court. My prediction. And then we’re going to have to use Title 9 … [Title 8]. Eight, right? Am I right? Yeah, Title Eight. Eight-nine,” Biden declared.

Which is it, Mr. President? Title 8 or Title 9?

Whoever did his flashcards that day clearly messed up, or they were drunk when writing them.

Biden also attempted to parrot Kamala Harris’s infinitely ineffectual, “don’t come” by delivering a wordier variant of the same remark.

“Do not, do not just show up at the border. Stay where you are and apply legally from there,” Biden brayed.

Right. Because that weak verbal approach is so effective. Then again, the Taliban got the upper hand on Biden, so is it any wonder no one else bothers to listen?

Half the time Biden forgets he’s president anyway, such as when he blames Harris for the border crisis.

“President Harris led this effort – led this effort to make things better in the countries from which they are leaving,” Biden boomed.

Haha. Way to deflect, Biden. A convenient way to announce that everything is on Harris.

It would just be nice if Biden actually remembered she is his alleged vice president, not the president herself.

Apparently, the president needs a flashcard for that as well.

Considering he’s referred to Harris repeatedly as president, including identifying Harris as a “great president” while wishing her a happy birthday in October.

Talk about losing the plot …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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