Republican Senator Josh Hawley has openly targeted Disney via the proposal of legislation that significantly shortens the amount of time required for protecting their creative production via copyrights.
The Missouri Senator subsequently introduced a bill that would place limitations on copyright protections to only 56 years. In addition, Hawley argued for the change to be retroactive.
Should Hawley’s law pass, Disney would no longer be able to claim completely exclusive rights over landmark characters, such as Minnie Mouse.
“The age of Republican handouts to Big Business is over,” Hawley boomed.
The senator criticized Republicans who permitted Disney to flourish via special protections, which in turn ironically emboldened select corporations to show off their strong bias towards the Democrats.
“Thanks to special copyright protections from Congress, woke corporations like Disney have earned billions while increasingly pandering to woke activists,” Hawley continued, noting the clear disconnect between Disney’s funding and Disney’s causes.
Hawley pointed out that the former copyright period lasted for 28 years, though Disney has enjoyed a “sweetheart deal” that provides it with 120 years of protection, virtually unheard of for multiple other companies.
“There’s no reason Disney or any other woke corporation should keep getting special favors from government,” Hawley remarked, calling for the legislature to “end the handouts now.”
The call for ending handouts is especially urgent in light of Disney’s ongoing war with DeSantis over the Parental Education Rights Bill, an ironic position to take for a company geared towards children.
Specifically, the Parental Rights Education Bill merely bans teachers from talking about LGBTQ+ causes to kindergarteners, amongst several other very reasonable guidelines for instructing extremely young children in public schools.
Parents would also have a right to learn about exactly what their kids are learning, especially given the highly partisan nature of public education.
Disney fiercely opposed the bill because of its “discrimination,” catalyzing Hawley’s call to action.
“It’s time to take away Disney’s special privileges and open up a new era of creativity and innovation,” Hawley declared.