Ms. Psaki really set off a major league Twitter trend after she whined about how “disappointing” Judge Mizelle’s decision to end the federal mask mandate was.
Never mind how “disappointing” the White House’s decision to ignore the science was.
Mizelle, a Trump appointee, apparently enrages a select group of people when she follows the constitution.
Thus, while the vast majority of the nation is celebrating the long overdue termination of mask mandates, the ideological echo chamber of Twitter is more enraged than ever.
Given that Twitter is notorious for suffocating conservative voices and allowing leftist voices to rage on into violent oblivion, it should come as no surprise that leftists are spewing their rage at airlines for daring to follow a court order.
Even more hilariously, all of the attacks center on the leftists’ two main “weapons”: feelings and personal attacks.
Yes, leftists are totally obsessed with protection of their feelings at all costs, but to you know what with tolerance when they go on their self-righteous rampages.
Which are frequent.
Just consider one remarkably tone-deaf Twitter user, who rages about inconvenience in her travel plans for the weekend while clearly failing to account for inconveniences in entire employments for over two years.
“I’m so frustrated,” the Twitter user whined, “we have tickets to fly this weekend, which felt like a tolerable risk only because everyone is required to wear a mask. Now we have to sit in a tube with 200 people (some of whom will certainly be + for Covid) and risk getting sick, or cancel our trip. Pissed.”
Yeah, well, people were “pissed” when they couldn’t even visit their loved ones in the hospital due to so-called COVID measures, so get over it.
Feelings don’t dictate societal order; the courts and law do.
Want a lawless, feelings-based existence? Move to the dictatorship one must deeply crave in order to desire such a fear-based existence.
Numerous leftist media “reporters” were sure to jump on the criticism bandwagon, failing to identify a single element of Mizelle’s written ruling to criticize.
“Mizelle’s alleged qualification for the bench?” Slate writer Mark Joseph Stern indignantly tweeted, “her clerkships with conservative judges. That was enough for Senate Republicans. Now she’s issuing nationwide injunctions that affect millions of Americans’ health and safety. No sane democracy would permit this system of governance.”
Hm. And Biden’s alleged qualifications for the presidency? Willingness to sell out to the highest bidder in the short term, no matter what the consequences are for the nation in the long term?
If a long term even exists if Democrat tyranny is to continue, as America as patriots have long known it is rapidly disappearing into the dwindling horizon of reasonable sanity.
As far as Kamala’s qualifications for the vice presidency, well those are even more laughable than Biden’s, but the nonstop cackling was an unexpected added touch, even for a woefully inexperienced senator straight out of … skeptical locations.
Stern was hardly the only leftist to bash Mizelle’s experience on Twitter, as CNN was quick to jump into the fray.
“The decision by the young Trump-appointed federal judge ending the mask mandate in travel shows the federal judiciary has turned into the Senate,” CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin sneered on Twitter.
Ah, because the “young,” America-hating Obama was such a stellar choice to serv e as president for not one, but two terms.
Actually, per Obama himself, three terms, as he’s clearly the ghost-president for Biden. Destroying the nation while maintaining his saccharine celebrity charm, one disastrous day at a time.
“Democratic and Republican judges live in different worlds and rule differently,” Toobin sniffed.
Fair point. Republicans live in reality whereas Democrats live in demonic machinations of their own deliberate making.
Any other insights, Mr. Toobin? Any at all? Care to reach out to your colleague, Cuomo, for comment? Oh, that’s right, he’s too busy suing the network for daring to fire him over coercive, aggressive, borderline stalker behavior.
Of women assaulted by his brother, no less.
The attacks on Mizelle’s experience are rather ironic, given that all the critics should really be bashing the written ruling itself. After all, if Mizelle is so inexperienced and unqualified, surely her written ruling, as in the actual document that served as the basis for TSA and airlines’ decision, would be riddled with errors, no?
Apparently, her ruling must have been rather sound and (gasp!) constitutional, which means that liberals can’t openly attack it. So, instead, they attack her.
Classic leftist “counterattack.” If only it weren’t so terribly ineffective.
“Today a federal judge called it overreach for US health officials to require masks on airplanes & other public transit, and no matter how you feel about masks, you should be really, really concerned that the Courts are effectively taking away power from the federal government,” Massachusetts Democrat State Representative Lindsay Sabadosa declared on Twitter, perhaps achieving the not too simple feat of issuing the most tone-deaf tweet of all.
After all, in what universe do freedom-loving Americans mourn the diminution of the federal government’s power?
If anything, they’ve been fervently waiting and praying for it!
However, the fact that a state representative, even in a state as leftist as Massachusetts, apparently believes people want massive federal overreach, is deeply, deeply troubling.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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