You know you’ve gotten into Biden’s cabinet based on identity politics alone when you can get away with ranting and raving about racist roads on MSNBC, rather than actually taking any concrete action to improve the nation’s infrastructure.
Indeed, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg ironically decided to appear on leftist medcia over the weekend, rather than address the most recent hazardous derailment, underscoring the extent to which he could care less about general Americans’ safety.
Alas, he would apparently rather preen on MSNBC, with none other than rabble rouser Al Sharpton, yet someone else who thrives on division … and self-enrichment.
During an appearance on the ill-intentioned “PoliticsNation,” Mr. Sharpton began by raging about the fact road fatalities are “not equal.”
“A lot of people don’t understand, even down to road fatalities, it is not equal,” Sharpton boomed.
Right. So roads are now even more racist because fatalities aren’t equitable. Got it.
Do these so-called activists ever, ever bother to look at the facts that could explain said statistics?
You know, facts like if someone willingly and openly skips school all the time, is illiterate as a result, and, on top of that, has multiple children they can’t afford … these “facts” may explain, just a tad, all the “inequity” Dems love to rage about.
But facts run counter to the Democrat narrative, which is probably why they avoid (or challenge) them so frequently.
Of course, Buttigieg, eager to endear himself to a community that has been notoriously less supportive of him due to his blatant obsession with sexuality, chimed in and sang all the prewritten, and probably ghostwritten, remarks he has been programmed to say in exchange for being in a position that he never would have received had he not rubbed his husband in everyone’s face, starting with two months of ill-timed paternity leave.
“It’s something that deserves more attention, which is why I’m working to bring more attention to it. We have a crisis when it comes to roadway fatalities in America. We lose about 40,000 people every year. It’s a level that is comparable to gun violence,” Buttigieg raged.
Wow, a fact! Amazing. Of course, Buttigieg didn’t bother to cite where the 40,000 figure came from.
“And we see a lot of racial disparities. Black and Brown Americans, tribal citizens and rural restaurants are much more likely to lose their lives whether it’s in a car or as a pedestrian being hit by a car,” Buttigieg continued self-righteously, failing to add insight into any concrete action he himself has taken to address all the apparent racial inequities that America’s roads have caused.
“There are a lot of reasons related to discrimination and related to even the ways that roads are designed and built, who has access to a safe street design that has crosswalks and good lighting, who doesn’t have that access that can drive disparities, and we have a responsibility to act on that,” Buttigieg added angrily.
Right. And so-called citizens also have a responsibility to be productive members of society who aren’t hooked on crime, but Dems won’t address how that may play into the “disparities” that continue to pervade American politics today.
Then again, the obsession with racist roads apparently constitutes most of Buttigieg’s efforts, as all that requires him to do is make a few self-righteous appearances on biased outlets with rich radicals like Al Sharpton, who has ironically become quite wealthy from ranting and raving about racism.
Way back in November 2021, Buttigieg’s absurd obsession was extremely clear.
“What we’re doing is we are reconnecting people who may have been disconnected or divided by discriminatory decisions in the past. That helps everybody. I don’t know why anybody would be against reconnecting people who have been divided by discriminatory decisions in the past,” Buttigieg boomed.
How about communities currently divided by derailments, Mr. Buttigieg?
Or is asking you to even pretend to care about your job too much?
Author: Ofelia Thornton