The Democrats’ blatantly open borders policies have undeniably decimated national security, but they have also come with some strange fringe benefits.
Specifically, it appears that the Democrats, in their haste to cater to illegal migrants, have alienated quite a few Black Americans, who are none too pleased about all the money being hurled at benefits for illegals.
One area in which Black Americans are becoming especially irritated is Chicago, which, like many sanctuary cities, is pitiably coddling illegals.
Mayor “Brandon” Johnson, who has already hurled $300M of taxpayer funds at illegals, has declared his intention to spend an additional $70M on the so-called crisis … A crisis fully created via absurd sanctuary city policies, that is.
And quite a few Black Chicagoans are not too pleased.
Heck, Obama already displaced many individuals in Chicago to build a massive library for himself, and now “Brandon” is handing out tax dollars to illegals.
Over time, actions like that just might begin driving quite a few individuals to the sane (i.e., conservative) side.
Per a report from the Daily Mail, numerous Chicago residents swarmed a recent meeting of public officials, which had been designated for voting on doling out the additional $70M to illegals.
One woman, wearing a red cowboy MAGA hat, declared her anger over the city officials’ shameless coddling of illegals.
“We need that money in my neighborhood, we need that money on my block … So I’m asking ya’ll to use our tax money for our people, we need it,” she raged.
“Vote for the money for these immigrants today and we coming for those seats, you can believe that,” another voter added pointedly.
Be careful what you wish for. Chicago will just import even more illegals to replace the voters that Dems previously depended upon.
And, like a typical Dem, Mayor “Brandon” is absolving himself of any and all accountability for the crisis.
Hilariously, he even insulted other Democrat mayors indirectly, including New York City Eric Adams, in order to “defend” himself.
“We’ve had mayors close schools, we’ve had mayors who have shut down public housing,” Johnson ranted.
The Chicago mayor was referring to the fact that New York City Mayor Eric Adams shut down schools across the city to house migrants during winter storms, leaving many working parents, who depend on schools for supervision during the day, scrambling to find childcare coverage.
Not only was Johnson’s deflection quite lame, it also ignored the elephant in the room: Perhaps Eric Adams did shut down New York City schools for a few days, but “Brandon” Johnson allowed illegals to sleep in police stations for weeks.
Little wonder they are so emboldened now.
Worst of all, “Brandon” was actually insane enough to challenge anyone sane enough to challenge his ultra-progressive legislation.
“So any individual who is somehow insulted by this progressive agenda that is being led by one of the most diverse cabinets in the history of Chicago – I just call into question anyone who would be motivated to see this type of transformation disrupted,” Johnson proclaimed.
Several residents have threatened to recall Johnson, despite the fact Illinois law only permits recalls of the governor.
Dan Boland, 58, a former technology salesman, aims to change that, however, in the forthcoming election, chiefly through providing Illinois residents with the power to recall the mayor in addition to the governor.
“We can’t let Chicago circle the rim for another three years … We need to get out of this cycle and fix things… if [Johnson] can’t fix it, we need to get someone in there who can,” Boland asserted.
Frankly, the city may buckle after another three months.
BLM has steadily undermined the city for years, and the lat4est batch of illegals is destined to really seal the deal.
Which has left many residents feeling more unsafe than ever before.
“People can’t go out and even go to the grocery store without getting mugged. People can’t sell their tamales out on the street without getting accosted by people who are armed … These are armed juvenile thugs. That’s one reason that just put it over the top for me,” Boland continued.
On his part, “Brandon” laughed off efforts to recall him, underscoring his arrogance.
In fact, he vowed “to be here for the next 23 years,” in clear defiance of voters’ will.
So, the Obama approach to governance then. Got it, “Brandon.”
Speaking of Obama, the “change” he has long promised is clearer than ever.
Author: Ofelia Thornton