Looks like you should never wear a ski mask anywhere in the United States, even during cold Midwestern winters, unless you want to be accused of being “racist.”
Heck, if you’re a police officer, you might even lose your job for donning a baclava, as Ohio police officer Michael Resckhe just learned.
Resckhe, who has a Snapchat account, was trying out different “filters,” and one of the filters happened to be a ski mask.
A perfectly normal piece of winter apparel to wear, especially when it is extremely cold. Unfortunately, Resckhe found out the hard way that daring to do something as innocuous as that would cost him his job.
Indeed, the hyper-sensitive Lockland Mayor Mark Mason declared that Resckhe’s Snapchat post, which was actually private, featured “troubling racial connotations.”
With respect, Mr. Mayor, what doesn’t have “troubling racial connotations” these days?
Because it seems like just about anything does.
Frankly, the most “troubling racial connotations” of all relate to DEI endeavors … in the military.
Alas, Mason rambled on and on about how an apparent ski mask was “very troubling and certainly unbecoming of any police officer representing a municipality.
“The Village’s police department has no room for conduct that is racist or even creates the appearance of racism or poor judgment. This conduct does not meet the standard of conduct expected of its officers and will not be tolerated,” Mason asserted.
Translation: Mason is terrified of media coverage. The kind of fears that are more typical in an authoritarian regime.
Which meant that Resckhe was swiftly fired.
Needless to say, Resckhe feels rather differently, and he noted that North College Chief Ryan Schrand found his firing rather unfair.
“I just want to do what I was born to do…serve and protect the people with the skills I am fortunate to possess … I’m a good officer who just wants a chance to do his job without vendetta politics. I would be honored if you would give me just five minutes of your time to look at the real truth regarding the Village of Lockland,” Resckhe asserted.
Unfortunately, the town was too afraid of a BLM mob, apparently.
And it would rather fire a police officer over their personal social media account, in which all they did was “wear” a ski mask.
Steve Imm, a lawyer for Resckhe, informed the Daily Mail that the police department had gone way too far, making a move that was almost unprecedented.
“The city should be ashamed of what it has done to this good and decent public servant. Michael is not a racist. He is not within 1000 miles of being a racist. The worst part is that Lockland KNEW that Michael is not racist, but they chose to be cowardly instead of doing a reasonable, rational investigation … All Michael did was make a harmless joke that no reasonable person would have regarded as racist in any way, shape, or form,” Imm asserted.
Apparently, nothing is “harmless” in the Dems’ microagression-obsessed world.
“What Lockland did and continues to do to Michael is simply disgusting,” Imm added.
Indeed, it was.
Though Imm’s next reply was even more telling.
“What Lockland did to Michael is a grotesque disgrace and a travesty of justice,” Imm concluded.
Frankly, that description could extend to the entire Biden presidency.
Author: Ofelia Thornton
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