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Exxon Excoriates Biden’s Incompetence

Once again, the Biden administration has managed to severely alienate a major American corporation, which ultimately comes at the expense of America’s economic standing and influence in the world.

In light of rising gasoline prices, which commenced near-immediately after Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline, Biden promptly sought to blame an array of entities aside from himself, with his most recent prized culprit including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It should be noted that the price increases are largely due to ineffectual economic sanctions imposed by the Biden administration in the wake of Putin’s so-called “special military operation,” sanctions that have brought far more pain to American consumers than they will ever bring to Putin and his cronies themselves.

Recently, Biden has shifted away from his standard rhetoric of “Putin’s price hike,” a phrase repeatedly glibly by his willingly deceitful press secretary, back to blaming oil companies once again for the immense spike in gasoline prices.

This time, however, oil companies did not remain completely silent, with Exxon Mobil firing back at Biden over his absurd commentaries regarding the present price of petrol.

“’In the short term, the U.S. government could enact measures often used in emergencies following hurricanes or other supply disruptions,” an official company release declared, reminding the American public of all the potential solutions that have been largely eschewed by the White House.

Exxon Mobile noted that some of these measures include “waivers of Jones Act provisions and some fuel specifications to increase supplies.”

In addition, the gasoline company also noted that the Biden administration could take far more proactive action with regards to “[promoting] investment through clear and consistent policy [measures],” measures that indisputably lend support to “[American] resource development, [including] as regular and predictable lease sales, as well as streamlined regulatory approval and support for infrastructure such as pipelines.”

Exxon Mobil’s suggestions align precisely with actions taken by former President Donald J. Trump, who is well known for catalyzing American energy independence and weaning the United States off heavy dependence on foreign oil imports.

The energy giant also noted that it has been in repeated contact with the Biden White House, apparently to little avail.

“We have been in regular contact with the [White House] to update the president and his staff on how ExxonMobil has been investing more than any other company to develop [American] oil and gas supplies,” the press release continued, noting that Exxon Mobil has personally invested well over $50B in the United States over the past five years.

Exxon Mobil also wryly remarked that its investments in American energy are more than double its profits, though the Biden administration rarely reveals this reality to its economically illiterate base.

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