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Doctor Reveals Stunning COVID Corruption

While it is blindingly apparent to most of the world now that the formerly freedom-supporting governments are addicted to authoritarianism, it should be completely apparent to those who continue to deny reality after the most recent revelations from the doctor who discovered omicron.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who hails from South Africa, warned from the start that the omicron variant was extremely mild, though Western leaders certainly weren’t interested in hearing such good news.

“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,” Coetzee detailed last November, “so far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.”

In other words, no need to pass dramatic mandates or do anything dramatic.

But what did the Biden administration do?

It promptly blocked travel from eight African nations on Black Friday, seven of which had exactly zero cases of omicron.

After all, in the words of Saul Alinsky, who inspired the likes of Clinton, Obama, and beyond, “never let a crisis go to waste.”

Meanwhile, doctors should be the real authorities on what a crisis is and what a crisis isn’t.

Like Coetzee, for instance.

“Based on the clinical picture there are no indications that we are dealing with a very serious disease,” Coetzee concluded.

Unfortunately, public health officials were not pleased with Coetzee’s conclusions, and who could blame them?

After all, Fauci depends on pandemics for his millions.

“I was told not to publicly state that it was a mild illness,” Coetzee remarked in astonishment, “I have been asked to refrain from making such statements and to say that it is a serious illness. I declined.”

Thankfully, she declined, and thankfully, she wasn’t Chinese, as she would have already disappeared.

However, what is deeply disturbing is just how eager Europe appears to return to its old authoritarian ways, alongside “America Last” policy.

“Because of all of Covid’s mutations, all of these scientists and politicians who aren’t from South Africa were contacting me telling me I was wrong when I spoke out, that it was a serious disease … they were telling me I had no idea what I was talking about, they kept attacking me,” Coetzee continued.

That’s the leftist way. When no argument remains, just attack!

“They are accusing me of lying, of downplaying Omicron because of how it has been in Europe … in their minds, it is impossible for a disease with more than 38 mutations to be mild,” Coetzee continued.

That is because “in their minds” they like having the world to themselves.

New World Order and all, even if it takes endless pandemics to achieve it.

“But I have stated many times before it can be a serious illness if you are unvaccinated and have comorbidities but for the majority of people it is a mild illness. I am the one who has seen the patients first-hand, but the politicians won’t listen,” Coetzee continued.

Fortunately, Coetzee is still able to speak … for now.

Imagine the day when doctors like Coetzee will be unable to tell the truth.

Which is why it is critically to resoundingly evict the freedom-hating Democrats in the upcoming 2022 midterms.

Let them see a red wave like never before …

Author: Jane Jones

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