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States Invoke Article V Against Federal Tyranny

With each day that passes, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers becomes clearer and clearer.

While they were already brilliant through their creation of the electoral system, thereby subverting Democrat attempts to nationalize elections and implement a nationwide mail-in mandate of some kind (would anyone be surprised?), they were also brilliant in their other mechanisms to counter tyranny.

Fortunately for Americans today, the Founding Fathers did devise a strategy just in case all the other checks and balances they had carefully implemented into the system failed to prevent the federal government from spinning wildly out of control into leftist oblivion: the constitutional convention.

With the constitutional convention, states can technically bypass Congress entirely in order to effect legislative changes, especially changes that are needed to keep the power of the federal government in check.

Which is precisely why Nebraska State Senator Steve Halloran is strongly advocating LR14, which serves as Nebraska’s indication of its willingness to join a constitutional convention of other states to amend the Constitution in order to keep an increasingly power-hungry federal government in check.

In other words, invoking Article V of the Constitution.

“What’s driving this as much as anything is overreach on the part of the federal government,” Halloran remarked, “the Founding Fathers had anxiety that that might happen. I don’t believe they imagined that it would get to this point.”

The Founding Fathers likely couldn’t even begin to imagine the Biden administration’s fixation on illegal aliens, transgender bathrooms, catastrophic withdrawals, and remarkably shady business connections to dark money and foreign money.

However, they could certainly imagine a federal government becoming senselessly drunk on its own power.

“We have to look at the historic surroundings of when the Constitution was drafted in Philadelphia in 1787 and understand full well what the Founding Fathers had in mind for the states to have equal footing with the Congress in proposing amendments,” Halloran noted.

Indeed we do.

The historic settings would be as follows: great fear and anxiety, as Americans did not desire to create another form of tyranny across the Atlantic; they longed for an entirely new style of governance.

For this reason, the debate between the federalists, who favored a strong central government, and the anti-federalists, who favored the opposite, played a powerful role in creating and implementing the constitutional convention into the constitution, which is rather necessary now.

Needless to say, the Biden administration has more than amplified the need for states to remind the federal government of who it really serves, given that the idea of “We the People” seems to have disappeared from Washington, D.C. quite some time ago.

Which is precisely why LR14 aims to bring the federal government back down to earth, as evidenced in the official text provided on the Nebraska state legislature’s website.

“LR14 would serve as Nebraska’s application for a convention of states under the authority of Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing constitutional amendments. The convention would be limited to amendment proposals from the following subjects: limiting the size and scope of the federal government; considering fiscal restraints; and considering term limits,” the legislation declares.

In addition, LR14 also announces its collaboration with other states, which is vital for manifesting a successful constitutional convention.

“This application constitutes a continuing application in accordance with Article V of the Constitution of the United States until the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the several states have made applications on the same subject,” the legislation continues.

Two-thirds of states are needed to call a constitutional convention, and Nebraska’s ascension to the convention’s willingness marks the halfway point of states needed to pass the convention.

As the seventeenth state to join, seventeen states are left to form the requisite 34 states needed for quorum. Additionally, another four states would need to vote in favor of ratifying the constitution, or 38 in total.

While reaching this point may be a slow, arduous process, it may well unfold at some point in the future, especially if the country keeps careening towards the left courtesy of swamp elites.

“It’s become abundantly clear with the history of Congress that they have no sense of limiting their spending and the accrued debt that’s happening upon our nation,” Halloran declared, “We have effectively kicked that can down the road on repayment of any of that, but we cannot kick the can down the road every year.”

A constitutional convention has never been held in the history of the United States, and with any luck, such a convention will occur.

This country needs one more than ever.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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