Looks like the Salt Lake City Tribune is ready to call for fresh authoritarianism in the wake of the crushing defeat that the Supreme Court recently handed the Biden administration.
At least as far as the OHSA mandate for businesses is concerned, that is.
In a melodramatically titled editorial, “Utah leaders have surrendered to COVID pandemic,” the board bemoans the fact that Utah isn’t “civilized” because the National Guard isn’t harassing “the unvaccinated” and restricting the movements of “the unvaccinated.”
Yes, the board actually claimed that Utah, and by extension, the United States, is not civilized because it has not used the National Guard against citizens over vaccines.
“Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere,” the editorial board proclaimed.
Well, the editorial board is more than welcome to move to the Middle East or Asia, where the apparently “civilized” nations of those regions do make it just about impossible for those “without vaccination” to go “anywhere.”
No shortage of nations like that, though the world is in definite short supply of real freedom.
“Government officials, mostly but not exclusively Republicans, were apparently determined not to be caught governing in the face of this challenge,” the editorial board continued, apparently unwilling to resist partisan commentary.
Though, to be fair, given how breathtakingly unpersuasive this editorial is in terms of actual content, it appears the partisan way is the easiest way to go.
“Any move or recommendation to mask up or, when safe and effective vaccines became available, to make vaccination a requirement of admission to public places and society in general was shouted down as an unwarranted imposition on individual freedoms,” the editorial board continued, apparently not seeing the disconnect between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
More accurately, if the vaccinated have to “mask up” anyway, and basically be subjected to all the same restrictions as the “unvaccinated,” then exactly where is the motivation for this vaccine?
Moreover, in light of the omicron variant spreading equally amongst everyone, where is the efficacy for this vaccine?
The editorial then proceeded to criticize Republican Governor Spencer Cox, going as far as to claim that the governor “and so many others have not carried the courage of their convictions.”
“Cox, state legislative leaders, our congressional delegation and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes have so proudly stood against the kind of vaccine mandates that civilized society has used for generations to effectively wipe out everything from polio to diphtheria to the measles,” the editorial whines.
Yeah. Anyone else taken a “booster” for measles since childhood? Anyone? Anyone?
Perhaps Cox actually is sticking to his “convictions,” including that the vaccine for COVID is hardly like the “one and done” vaccines from early childhood.
Plus, no one demands proof of measles vaccination before entering a restaurant, though perhaps they should, as measles actually did break out from the then anti-vax crowd in California (who were really anti-vax, not anti-mandate, the latter which comprises the vast majority of conservatives).
Of course, the editorial couldn’t outright lie about Biden’s success (of which there is none), so they simply made excuses for him.
“President Joe Biden tried to pull a couple of useful levers by ordering vaccine mandates for health care workers and vaccine-or-test rules for workplaces of more than 100 employees,” the editorial remarked pompously before proceeding to eviscerate the Supreme Court for daring to question the constitutionality of Biden’s unilateral mandates.
“The U.S. Supreme Court this week upheld the former while quashing the latter, foolishly holding that a communicable disease is not a workplace hazard,” the editorial sniffed, having the gall to refer to the Supreme Court as “foolish” for daring to keep Biden in line, given that the so-called president apparently has no respect for the checks and balances that have been an integral part of this government since its controversial inception.
Apparently, the Salt Lake City Tribune doesn’t care about a little thing like checks and balances when Emperor Biden is in charge, but something suggests that the news outlet would be vastly less magnanimous towards desperately missed President Trump if he were to engage in the same authoritarian behaviors.
Unlike their treatment of Biden.
“Not that Biden is blameless in all this,” the board said generously, “Seeing the obvious reluctance of so many people to get, or to require, vaccinations has only now moved him to push to make tests and the most effective kind of masks available to everyone. It’s the right thing to do, but months late.”
As usual, Biden gets a total pass.
And, also as usual, the real facts come from Republicans.
Such as Utah Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson.
“The truth is Omicron is out of control everywhere. Even in places with mask and vaccine mandates,” Henderson remarked, before openly calling out the highly irresponsible editorial board.
“We always push vaccines,” Henderson continued, “but even vaccinated ppl [sic] are catching it. It’s easy to take shots from the cheap seats but this is the sort of nonsense that makes editorial boards irrelevant.”
Hilariously, this editorial board also had the gall to bring a discussion of freedom into the mix, despite calling for the National Guard to intimidate millions of unvaccinated Americans.
“We are free all right,” the editorial board declared sarcastically, “free to fend for ourselves. To watch our children lose weeks, months, or more of their precious educational opportunities. To wonder whether it is safe to go to work or to the store or to sporting events. To see businesses close for want of employees or lack of customers,” the editorial proclaimed.
Talk about an extreme lack of self-awareness.
Last time anyone checked, the rather militant teachers’ unions, which are eager to label conservative parents as “terrorists,” are the ones holding schools hostage for the so-called “safety” of the teachers.
Too bad in the state of Florida that one district got suspicious (i.e., Broward) and actually investigated teachers during the so-called “remote teaching” period, only to discover that many teachers were traveling and having a grand old time collecting full-time pay for apparently not even part-time work.
So, if anyone is causing the children to “lose weeks,” it would be the militant bloc of leftist educators who clearly have a vested interest in the pandemic continuing on indefinitely in the first place.
And as far as businesses “closing?” Well, that may be the case in California, though Texas has picked up Oracle, Tesla, and apparently even none other than Facebook, given the massive lease in Austin that Zuckerberg’s hilariously renamed “Metaverse” just signed.
Apparently, Zuckerberg has zero problem grossly influencing elections in Democrats’ favor, but he doesn’t want his own billions subjected to Democrat policies …
Maybe the Salt Lake City Tribune should analyze the real causes schools and businesses “losing time” in its next editorial.
Maybe, just maybe, that editorial will actually be grounded in facts, rather than histrionics …
Author: Ofelia Thornton