One really does wonder why mail-in ballots were so darn important in 2020.
After all, if “public health” was so important, exactly why are literally millions of unvaccinated individuals from all over the planet permitted to stream across the border?
Not to mention literally hundreds of thousands of illegals being permitted to take taxpayer-funded flights into various cities in the dead of night, in addition to the millions crossing the border.
Needless to say, considering that the Biden administration doesn’t even bother to do a real background check on illegals, it should come as no surprise that the illegals aren’t exactly tested for illnesses either.
Even when the illnesses literally hearken back to the Dark Ages.
And the failure to test illegals for illnesses is going to lead to a rather serious problem, which one “sanctuary city” has already encountered.
According to a report from Fox 32, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) claimed that a “small number” of tuberculosis cases had broken out across “a few different shelters” in the city.
The majority of the infections is allegedly concentrated in the Pilsen migrant shelter on Halsted Street.
“CDPH is aware of a small number of cases of TB among new arrivals in a few different shelters over the course of the response,” the CDPH admitted.
Is that so?
Funny how the government was super precise about the number of deaths due to COVID, yet now it claims that just “a small number” of illegals have brought TB into the country.
What’s even funnier is this “small number” of TB cases comes on the heels of multiple measles cases, a disease that had long since been eradicated in the United States.
Until the arrival of Biden’s “newcomers,” otherwise known as illegals to anyone else halfway sane.
“It is important to note that an estimated 10-20% of residents of Central and South America have latent TB infection, which is asymptomatic and not transmissible to others, but does result in a positive TB test. For those who do have active cases of TB disease, CDPH assigns a nurse case manager to each individual and performs a contact tracing investigation,” the CDPH declared.
You don’t say!
Wouldn’t it also be “important” to prevent disease-riddled illegals from sparking a massive pandemic prior to the presidential election?
“TB is curable with antibiotics and is not particularly infectious, typically requiring several hours or more of prolonged close contact between individuals to spread, but CDPH continues to take cases seriously in order to keep it contained. To date, CDPH has not confirmed any reports of TB that resulted from exposure to new arrivals in Chicago,” the CDPH continued.
Well, “to date,” even more illegals have streamed across the border at the time of this writing, and, if COVID is anything to go by, then it apparently takes all of one to cause a massive crisis.
Dr. Gary Reschak, pediatrician at Northwestern Medicine Huntley Hospital, noted that coughing is a surefire way to spread TB, for instance.
“It can only be spread by someone with active tuberculosis disease. Someone who is actively coughing up these droplets – that is how it gets spread,” Reschak remarked.
Yet another excuse for Dems to bring back their mask mandates.
Dr. Aniruddha Hazra, associate professor of medicine, Infectious Diseases and Global Health at the University of Chicago, underscored the degree to which hordes of migrants can magnify the spread of viruses.
“These outbreaks happen in close quarters, people who are living close to one another,” Hazra intoned ominously.
So, in other words, every Dem-laden “sanctuary city” is at risk.
And as many of those cities serve as major aviation hubs for the rest of the nation, it should come as no surprise that illnesses may well spread all over the place as a result.
“Not everyone who acquires TB will develop an active infection. A percentage or folks will actually develop what we call a latent infection. But that latent TB can then reactivate to become active TB at some point in the future … They can still receive anti-TB therapy to make sure that latent infection is fully eradicated,” Hazra asserted.
Well, that’s just wonderful! In other words, illegal migrants are filled with “latent” infections that may well become “reactivated” after crossing the border, just in time to place additional strain on the nation’s ailing healthcare resources.
“There is no effective vaccine against tuberculosis,” Hazra added helpfully.
Well, Biden’s Big Pharma buddies will probably take care of that in short order.
Maybe Big Pharma could even “bundle” COVID and TB vaccines and “boosters” together to combat Bidenflation!
While Big Pharma and public health authorities spin their wheels, others are calling out the calamity for exactly what it is, including Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez.
“Performative politics [and] hurt feelings kept City Hall from avoiding the obvious looming disaster. Anyone who demanded action to protect our residents was called racist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant by fringe politicians. And now here we are: measles, now tuberculosis both ‘confirmed’ in Chicago. Shame on every mouthpiece that worked so hard to keep this secret,” Lopez remarked flatly.
One can only wonder how much else is being kept “secret” from the public.
Author: Ofelia Thornton