“Tonight, I say to the Russian oligarchs and the corrupt leaders who’ve bilked billions of dollars off this violent regime: No more!”
So boomed Biden during his infamous 2022 State of the Union address – the same address in which he failed to acknowledge a devastating earthquake suffered by a key NATO ally.
And, as it is now well into 2024 and Putin is still grinding away in Ukraine, it is rather clear that Biden’s forceful “no more!” had a staggeringly insignificant influence on Putin’s intentions.
Following Biden’s (i.e., Obama’s) ill-advised plan to release billions to Iran, after Russia invaded Ukraine, is simply sheer lunacy.
And sheer devastation, considering that the Iranian regime killed three American military personnel over the weekend.
Biden’s response? More ineffectual speeches.
“Today, America’s heart is heavy,” Biden intoned, “Last night, three U.S. service members were killed – and many wounded – during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border.”
And why, Mr. President, is Iran so emboldened to do so? Perhaps the absence of consequences?
After all, woke judicial courts in American won’t even bother with bail anymore, allowing criminals to commit violent crimes over and over again, so is it any wonder that foreign foes reason that they can do the same?
“While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq,” Biden brayed. Way to go, Biden.
“Still gathering the facts” is the approach that should have been taken with Hunter Biden’s laptops, but the media was desperate to anoint Biden as president. Now the president suddenly cares about “the facts,” though it’s pretty clear that quite a bit of this chaos is rather predetermined.
Just like Obama likes it.
“It is a fight we will not cease,” Biden boomed.
Yeah. Sounds about as effective as “no more!” to Putin in 2022.
Needless to say, top GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has adopted a different approach than Biden, starting with a strong focus on families currently grieving. “The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America … My most profound sympathies go to the Families of the Brave Servicemembers we have lost,” Trump declared.
Notice how much more personally and empathetically Trump speaks in comparison to Biden? Biden flatly reads out the “facts” of the tragedy with apparently no real consideration for their families, whereas Trump makes the servicemembers and their families the focal point of his response.
“This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender,” Trump continued.
Is it ever. After all, the Taliban effectively defeated Biden and all of NATO with the “long game,” and it is highly likely that Putin is doing the same. Exactly why strong leadership is critical now.
“This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives. Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief,” Trump declared.
No, it most certainly cannot … which is precisely why Obama is gunning for his “fourth term” of change via his rather able and willing partner in literal crime. If only Trump were president now, then perhaps quite a few more Americans would be alive … and able to thrive.
With any luck, his presidency will become a reality eight months from now.
Author: Jane Jones