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Trump Floats Ingenious Border Security Plan

It’s saying something when an anti-migrant rally happens in a sanctuary state.

Which is exactly what happened in none other than New York, and precisely why Biden’s campaign for 2024 is even more ailing than it was before.

Turns out open borders aren’t such a great strategy.

Despite the recent controversies, former President Donald Trump’s fixation on American security certainly demonstrates why he retains broad swathes of support from Americans.

And one of those fixations pertains to illegal migrants’ gross exploitation of the Fourteenth Amendment, which states the following:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Alas, this amendment has been brazenly exploited by illegals who cross the border to give birth to automatic American citizens, a practice that the mistresses of cartel overlords have been known to use.

And that practice is one that Trump wants terminated, stat.

As detailed by Fox News, Trump remains as fixated on ever on border security, the keystone issue that propelled him to the national spotlight in 2015.

“Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country, allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders … Even though these millions of illegal border crossers have entered the country unlawfully, all of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine?” Trump wondered.

Unfortunately, Americans can imagine.

After all, these illegal migrants have already taken over entire hotels, not to mention entire towns, and they are absolutely unrelenting.

After all, for each one that “succeeds” in getting to a sanctuary city, they are likely informing at least ten or more of their buddies to get there.

Preferably with pregnant women to give birth to “American citizens.”

Especially as such citizens are able to receive such a broad number of benefits.

“They’ll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer-funded health care, the right to vote, chain migration and countless other government benefits, many of which will also profit the illegal alien parents. This policy is a reward for breaking the laws of the United States and is obviously a magnet, helping draw a flood of illegals across our borders,” Trump continued.

No kidding. That flood is frankly going to become a tsunami if Democrat policies persist as they do, posing a grave problem to the future security of the United States.

Not to mention the future politics of the United States … which has become distressingly uni-party.

In a sense, it is comforting to know that another Trump term would be one that would entail significantly greater security at the border.

Indeed, national security has dominated the Trump dialogue for years.

“By a 2:1 margin, voters say it’s the wrong policy, including [Former Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid who said ‘no sane country’ would give automatic citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants,” Trump remarked in 2016.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan notes his agreement with Trump’s plan, although he notes that changing the Constitution is a lengthy, complex process.

“I’m a believer in following the plain text of the Constitution, and I think, in this case, the 14th Amendment is pretty clear, and that would involve a very, very lengthy constitutional process,” Ryan remarked.

Yet a necessary one, for the survival of the Republic.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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