It’s about time that anti-American athletes were put in their place.
With grace, no less.
In the wake of the race riots of 2020, dozens of dramatically overpaid athletes decided to kneel during the national anthem, all to show “solidarity” against a nation that made them filthy rich in the first place.
However, one NBA player openly refused to take part in bashing the United States, and he stood proudly for the anthem while his “teammates” displayed extreme ingratitude.
That player would be Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac, who took a stand, chiefly by not supporting BLM.
“I didn’t want to align myself with the Black Lives Matter movement and organization … And I felt that a true answer to all the problems that we see, not just racism, was the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I decided to stand up and share it,” Isaac proclaimed.
Now that is a message worth getting behind.
Talk about addressing extreme violence and spiritual bankruptcy with grace.
And Isaac isn’t just talking: He’s acting.
According to a recent report from the Daily Mail, Isaac is starting a new company that aims to be the antithesis of the transgender-embracing, BLM-supporting, cop-hating Nike.
As sagely pointed out by Isaac, purchasing a questionable company’s products is effectively endorsing that company’s message, which is precisely why the NBA player aims to offer an alternative to conservative Americans who value faith, family, and conservative values.
“When we do give our money to companies that don’t support our values, we’re cosigning their message … So what I wanted to do was give Americans, freedom-loving Americans, faith-loving Americans the option to buy with their values,” Isaac remarked.
Indeed, Isaac’s proposed company is an incredibly welcome, heartwarming development, especially in contrast to other athletes who display an enormous lack of gratitude for the immense opportunities they’ve enjoyed in the United States.
Indeed, the perpetually enraged athletes, brainwashed by the left, apparently believed that the United States is ultra-racist (despite their rich sports contracts) and that all police in the United States are racist (despite the large numbers of black police officers).
One of the most vocally anti-police athletes of all includes the notorious Lebron James, who has gained immense notoriety for openly threatening law enforcement officers on Twitter while pledging solidarity with the criminals that run BLM.
In a more egregious incident, Mr. James actually posed personally identifying information regarding a police officer involved in a fatal shooting in Ohio … a shooting that occurred to save the life of a young black female being violently attacked by another knife-wielding black female.
Apparently, Mr. James was enraged that the officer dared to save the life of a young black girl, and he galvanized all of his followers in an all-out witch hunt against the individual involved in the shooting.
In fact, Mr. James had the gall to declare, “YOU’RE NEXT!”, a threat that should have landed him in jail.
However, holding him accountable would probably be “racist.”
The great irony, of course, is that Mr. James continues to profit handsomely from dubious Chinese partnerships, despite the fact China executes more of its own citizens than any other nation in the world.
Despite the fact the Chinese use slave labor to this day in the Northwestern province, namely by torturing Muslims to produce solar panels and other products for the woke, elitist West.
Guess it’s easier for James to bully a law enforcement officer protecting the public in Ohio than it is to bully his paymasters in Beijing.
Regardless, one can only hope that athletes such as Isaac garner much greater traction and respect across the nation, especially as it’s rarer and rarer these days to hear high profile individuals espouse conservativism and patriotism.
May he succeed in his faith-driven endeavours!
Author: Jane Jones