Crafty Fraudster Cons Rich Lefties Out Of Millions

Gotta love the White House’s demands that companies focus more on ESG and varied “green” initiatives than actual profits, otherwise known as a necessary element to keep businesses functional.

After all, unlike the Dems, companies can’t arbitrarily tax Americans to the poorhouse to make up for their absurd expenditures, but Dems fail to grasp the concept of actually balancing a checkbook.

Hence their outrageous demands for investors to embrace “green” investing, in spite of the fact that definitions of “green” can vary tremendously.

After all, the private jet aficionado Pete Buttigieg insists upon everyone buying electric cars to reduce fossil fuels, despite the fact that the lithium batteries necessary for powering the cars result from mass exploitation and degradation of lands across South America for precious minerals.

A real “root cause,” right there.

Moreover, outside of the extreme hypocrisy generally demonstrated by the left in this regard, they have also demonstrated remarkable stupidity.

As savvy fraudsters can now pose as “green” businessmen and con woke elitists out of millions.

And that’s exactly what just happened.

As detailed by The Blaze, the California-based Ray Brewer enjoyed a rather lavish “career” of conning woke, Biden-worshipping elitists out of nearly $9M over the course of several years.

“From March 2014 until December 2019, Ray Brewer of Porterville, California, managed to convince investors that he had built several anaerobic digesters on dairies in counties across California and Idaho. According to a press release from the Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of California, such anaerobic digesters can break down cow waste and turn that biodegradable material into methane which can then be sold on the market as green energy,” the media outlet reported.

So, the conman claimed that he had devised a means of turning cow dung into green energy.

Apparently, several pickup trucks were procured with the millions the conman lifted from woke investors.

Incredibly ironic, considering the arguable b.s. he was selling.

An irony that investors failed to pick up on, namely because they are used to hearing and believing in obvious fairy tales.

Such as spending one’s way to prosperity and environmental sustainability.

Brewer was eventually captured and sentenced to several years in jail.

While the fraudulent behavior is nothing to be applauded, it is also worth noting that the White House dictating what companies do and don’t do, which is effectively communism light, should not be applauded either.

Especially when White House militancy creates a rich opportunity for fraudsters to exploit woke millionaires and their ill-informed intentions.

Author: Jane Jones

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