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Biden Delivers Utterly Bizarre Public Speech

While Biden has delivered a number of doozies on the global stage, he was truly in rare form in more recent appearances.

Which, for Mr. Biden, is saying quite a bit.

For starters, he decided to resurrect his infamous “dog-faced, lying pony-soldier” line once again, in spite of the remarkably poor reception he received for using the phrase before.

After all, he did accuse a young, female college student in 2020 of being a “dog-faced, lying pony-soldier,” one of his many misogynistic instances that the media has simply brushed over.

Had Trump attacked any college student with similar vitriol, he would have probably been impeached. Again.

Alas, as Biden was able to get away with his vitriol with impunity in 2020, he clearly felt just fine using the phrase again.

Apparently, a storm was arising on the horizon in the near the end of the president’s Connecticut speech, which Biden immediately used as an excuse for getting out of any substantive interaction with the audience.

Declaring that he would be unable to shake individuals’ hands due to the storm, Biden proceeded to bizarrely babble, including strange references to John Wayne and of course, the infamous “dog-faced, lying pony-soldier.”

“Is that the truth? Now, do not make a lie – as that scene in the John Wayne movie – don’t make me a dog-faced, lying pony-soldier,” Biden babbled, “I will stand in front of each section – no, I really mean it – if you can see the camera, they can see you. It is the least consequential part of this whole meeting for you, I promise.”

Say what?

That’s a whole lot of disturbing information to unpack in those brief, confused words from Biden.

First of all, the reference (again) to a “dog-faced, lying pony-soldier” is nothing short of bizarre. Makes one wonder why Biden oftentimes has “lying” on the brain.

Perhaps because he does it so frequently … while the media aids and abets his deception.

After all, when presented with factual documents from JP Morgan, which revealed the extent to which the Biden family is deeply ingratiated with hostile foreign entities, the president merely declared that the obvious evidence from the banking records was “not true.”


Even more disturbingly, what’s with the, “if you can see the camera, they can see you” comment? Is the president actually suggesting that all Americans are being watched, in the spirit of the Soviet regime during the Cold War?

Yet another off-script slip, in which Biden reveals what’s really going on behind closed doors …

And, just in case you were wondering how out there Biden truly was during his appearance, ironically at an anti-Second Amendment gathering, he delivered a truly bizarre concluding remark before the storms set in.

“God save the Queen,” Biden bellowed, apropos of nothing.

Seems like a sound candidate for 2024 … if one is all in favor of the United States plummeting into geopolitical oblivion.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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