Apparently, leftist policies only work when they actually have to be enforced.
After all, it’s very easy to ramble on and on about the “rights” over others, even when such rights happen to overpower everyone else.
And overpowering everyone else is exactly what is currently occurring, given the massive influx of migrants making their way into varied sanctuary cities.
One such city includes New York, which, as reported by Breitbart, is apparently seeking to suspend the “right to shelter rule” due to being inundated with illegals.
Mayor Eric Adams, who has continued to ensure New York’s sanctuary city status, apparently isn’t creating much of a sanctuary for anyone else as he effectively demands hundreds of millions (literally) from the government to take care of illegals his policies encouraged in the first place.
Alas, Mr. Adams has finally realized it is not possible to care for “unlimited numbers” of individuals, especially when said individuals clearly came for the freebies.
And, potentially, the crime.
“Given that we’re unable to provide care for an unlimited number of people and are already overextended, it is in the best interest of everyone, including those seeking to come to the United States, to be upfront that New York City cannot single-handedly provide care to everyone crossing our border. Being dishonest about this will only result in our system collapsing, and we need our government partners to know the truth and do their share,” Adams raged.
You don’t say.
Though one does wonder exactly why anyone in the United States is apparently tasked with “doing their share” with regards to illegals.
After all, neither Switzerland nor Saudi Arabia would open up luxury hotels to hordes of illegals, which is likely why both nations have remained relatively intact culturally despite an array of other nations going “woke.”
To their grave detriment.
Jonathan Pines of the New York City Law Department also piled on the pathos, railing against all the “fiscal burdens” associated with illegal immigration.
In other words, identifying precisely why former President Donald Trump wanted to build a massive wall, since Day 1.
“This ongoing flood of asylum-seekers arriving in New York City from the southern border represents a crisis of national, indeed international dimension; yet, the challenges and fiscal burden of this national crisis have fallen almost exclusively upon the City …
These unprecedented demands on the City’s shelter resources confront the City Defendant with challenges never contemplated, foreseeable, or indeed even remotely imagined by any signatory to the Callahan Judgment,” Pines proclaimed.
Well, guess what, New York.
Perhaps the city wouldn’t be dealing with such “unprecedented demands” if it decided that so-called mean tweets were more tolerable than mass illegal immigration.
As one commenter declared, “I think they should have buses at the border waiting for Asylum Seekers to be loaded on and taken to all the sanctuary cities. Let them be shown what the cost of an open border truly is.”
Author: Jane Jones