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Musk Dismisses Divisive AOC With Glee

Gotta love it when AOC attempts to outsmart Elon Musk.

It just ain’t gonna happen.

And it looks like little Ms. Socialist, who has a habit of wearing $35,000+ dresses stating “Tax the Rich” (designed by a tax-dodging designer), just got smacked down once again by Musk after learning she would have to pay to maintain her coveted blue checkmark.

After all, AOC would be exactly nothing without Twitter, so of course she is incensed at having to adhere to someone else’s rules.

And Musk was quite clear about his intentions to clear out bots, namely by charging a monthly fee to maintain verified status.

“Twitter’s current lords [and] peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bulls***. Power to the people! Blue for $8/month,” Musk boomed.

And, almost as if anticipating the predictable whining that would ensue from AOC, Musk even addressed the “complainers” directly.

“To all complainers, please continue complaining, but it will cost $8. Twitter speaks to the inner masochist in all of us. You get what you pay for,” Musk chortled.

Translation: Complainers are free to complain all they want without being “cancelled,” provided they do not openly violate various laws.

However, if they want to be “verified,” they’ll have to pay up for the privilege.

Needless to say, AOC promptly became one of the complainers.

“Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that ‘free speech’ is actually a $8/mo subscription plan,” AOC raged.

Musk, nonplussed, quickly shut the leading “Squad” member down.

“Your feedback is appreciated, now pay $8,” Musk drawled.

And, rather humorously, Musk also reminded AOC of her rather obvious attempts at brazen profiteering, such as selling $58 sweatshirts online.

As if the money Soros and other elitists are paying her isn’t enough.

After all, AOC is perhaps one of the best-paid deceivers in Congress, especially when she actually tries to deflect responsibility for the hateful rhetoric that she’s become famous for spewing.

Months ago, AOC ranted and raved, without evidence, about alleged “hate crimes” that apparently ensue due to Musk.

“Tired of having to collectively stress about what explosion of hate crimes is happening [because] some billionaire with an ego problem unilaterally controls a massive communication platform and skews it because Tucker Carlson or Peter Thiel took him to dinner and made him feel special,” AOC raged.

Needless to say, AOC would not or could not identify a single example of these “hate crimes,” though one would think she would have more than enough examples to choose from if a so-called “explosion” really occurred.

Clearly, it didn’t.

Musk also humorously shut down AOC as well, joking that the perpetually enraged congresswoman was hitting on him.

“Stop hitting on me, I’m really shy,” Musk quipped.

Other individuals with vastly more intellect than AOC also pointed out other obvious discrepancies in her ranting and raving.

David Sacks, a VC capitalist, noted that all kinds of leftist publications charge for reading their articles, yet AOC failed to rant and rave about them.

“Why aren’t [The Atlantic, The New York Times, and Washington Post] free? Their billionaire owners should stop being greedy and give us those products for free,” Sacks drawled.

AOC became even angrier at being shown up to be the balloon full of hot air that she is, and she quickly fired back an ineffectual rebuttal.

“Are you seriously equating an app where people are torrenting racial slurs at an accelerated clip with the New York Times? Also fyi, legacy newspapers actually care about verifying newsworthy sources. And they don’t charge their journalists/creators for ‘priority’ placement,” AOC raged.

Well, actually, yes, he is, Ms. AOC. As far as “verifying newsworthy sources” is concerned, those publications are the exact same publications that proclaimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was disinformation … until it wasn’t.

So stuff it.

As AOC continues to rant and rave, Musk has already started cleaning house, as reported by Bloomberg.

After all, unlike the Democrats, Musk and his advisory team actually have a clue about economics, and that includes getting rid of professional whiners who make six figures a year to censor conservatives.

“Elon Musk plans to eliminate about 3,700 jobs at Twitter Inc., or half of the social media company’s workforce, in a bid to drive down costs following his $44 billion acquisition, according to people with knowledge of the matter,” the publication reported.

Good riddance …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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