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NBC Busts Biden Hidin’ Hunter

While sinister Zuckerberg and Co., in conjunction with dozens of compromised members of the American “intelligence” community, can suffocate the truth of the Hunter Biden laptop story, they can never fully kill what has long been true.

And, in the wake of the realizations that the dastardly laptop is in no way, shape, or form a product of so-called “Russian disinformation,” virtually all media outlets appear to be scrambling to cover the truth that they were so eager to deny just before Biden mysteriously accrued 81 million votes in the largest mail-in election ever.

Publications such as the Washington Post, one of the biggest leftist rags of all time, has even run stories about Mr. Hunter’s “multimillion dollar” deals with Chinese energy firms.

Which could of course explain why Mr. Biden has been so keen on killing American energy independence ever since he ascended to the Oval Office.

NBC has also referenced both Hunter’s questionable overseas antics, highly questionable in light of the current war.

“From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud,” NBC observed.

Pretty scary, to be frank.

Imagine having a president with such a deeply compromised son during the Cold War. After all, quite a few national security concerns clearly would arise from such a scenario, national security concerns that the NBC also admits to. Not to mention, you know, basic ethical considerations that should typically enter most people’s minds before entering into intractable deals with murderous regimes that have a vested interest in destroying the United States.

“The documents and the analysis, which don’t show what he did to earn millions from his Chinese partners, raise questions about national security, business ethics and potential legal exposure,” the network continued.

Apparently, Hunter could care less about such concerns, especially when these issues were clearly aided and abetted by the Obama-Biden White House.

Which makes Biden’s absurd claims all the more ridiculous in hindsight.

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about – what are you talking about – China,” Biden vehemently insisted during one of his “debates” with Trump in 2020.

Really, Mr. President? Is that so?

Quite the curious claim, considering that various media publications, including far-left publications, are not only reporting on Hunter’s illicit millions, but also the fact that none other than the current president himself has made a buck or two from Chinese interests.

In fact, Biden is so deeply invested in his son’s shady dealings that he apparently even wrote letters of recommendation for Chinese communist royalty to attend the most prestigious universities in the United States.

Meanwhile, China doesn’t even permit Google to operate within its borders, but Biden apparently feels zero qualms about pledging such extreme allegiance to China.

“The big guy” needs his 10 percent (or more) cut from Hunter’s notorious business dealings, after all.

Or, per Hunter himself, the cut may periodically skew as high as 50 percent, as evidenced by an enraged text he sent his daughter, Naomi, in 2019.

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter wrote bitterly, “it’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

So, maybe it’s 50 percent for “the big guy,” at least when the money has communist origins.

The chickens really are coming home to roost now, aren’t they?

One can only hope that roosting results in full blown impeachment once the Republicans take over in November.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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