Note to Mayorkas and Jankowicz: If you want to pick a fight with Elon Musk, better come up with better talking points.
Especially when those talking points come back to bite you.
Starting with Mayorkas, who bears a startling resemblance to Jeff Bezos, it is quite clear that he has doubled down on his “Disinformation Governance Board.”
After all, whatever Emperor Obama says goes.
He makes another woke, overpaid appearance in California demanding more censorship … and, lo and behold, six days later, an entire federal department dedicated just to that purpose is created.
Except instead of engaging in censorship, the department is allegedly combatting “disinformation.”
Even better, Mayorkas has apparently upped the ante by declaring the department is necessary for “the security of the homeland.”
“The fact is that disinformation that creates a threat to the security of the homeland is [Homeland Security’s] responsibility to address, and this department has been addressing it for years,” Mayorkas declared, arguing that the department allegedly “works to ensure the way in which we address threats, the connectivity between threats and acts of violence are addressed without infringing on free speech, protecting civil rights and civil liberties.”
Hm. Interesting.
It would be nice if Mayorkas could clarify how he intends to achieve all these lofty goals and objectives, what with “free speech,” “civil liberties,” and all, especially since he also does not even bother to define what disinformation is.
Instead, he vaguely alludes to “disinformation” as if everyone has the exact same definition of disinformation that he does, and he also insists that his department “has been addressing it for years,” despite providing zero insight into that years-long fight as well.
Besides, if DHS really has been fighting disinformation “for years,” exactly why wasn’t the Trump administration ever credited for the so-called combat against disinformation?
After all, if the fight has been going on “for years,” Trump was in power then, whether or not the lefties like to admit it.
Truth is, the so-called battle against disinformation only formally commenced after Obama lectured the nation, and literally everyone whose head isn’t buried in CNN knows it.
That likelihood is further amplified by the fact that Nina Jankowicz, the latest brainless addition to the Biden regime, has already made quite the name for herself via her own breathtaking aversion to the facts, not to mention the melodrama she has started in the mainstream media over Musk.
“I shudder to think about, if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would be like for the marginalized communities around the world, which are already shouldering so much of this abuse, disproportionate amounts of this abuse,” Jankowicz jabbered, simultaneously (and shamelessly) promoting her ghost-written book as she wailed about the horrors of free speech.
And, unlike Mayorkas, Ms. Jankowicz actually gave a crisp, clean, and utterly incorrect definition of disinformation in 2020, right when the Hunter Biden laptop story began to circulate.
“Russian disinformation, and false,” TikTok addict Jankowicz falsely asserted.
Yeah. The same “disinformation” authenticated by virtually all far-left media outlets, two years too late.
Clearly, Jankowicz does zero due diligence and is just another paid shill for a Beijing-owned social media platform.
Because Beijing, of course, never spreads any disinformation of its own.
Pretty amazing the White House seems so intent on building up TikTok when Facebook is banned in China.
Moreover, Mayorkas has already spread his own disinformation by claiming the Department of Homeland Security has neither “operational authority” nor “capability” to spy on Americans or take any other measures that violate Americans’ rights.
Of course, this is the same department busted spying on Angela Merkel’s cell phone and infiltrating other nations with sleeper cells in their electrical grids, as revealed at length by Edward Snowden … yet, somehow, they no longer have “capability” to spy on people within American borders?
Please. How short do they think Americans’ memories are?
The bottom line is that the White House labels any opinion that’s different as “disinformation.” Heck, the White House labels facts that run contrary to its aims as disinformation.
Of course, it seems that “disinformation” can apparently be anything related to Musk these days, though the irony is Musk is all for the exchange of free ideas.
He is, after all, a real innovator.
Senator Tom Cotton, however, remains unimpressed by the White House’s efforts to further erode democracy, which is precisely why he’s introduced legislation to fight it.
“The Biden administration wants a government agency dedicated to cracking down on what its subjects can say, an idea popular with Orwellian governments everywhere. This board is unconstitutional and un-American – my bill puts a stop to it,” Cotton declared.
Meanwhile, on Musk’s end, he already has a goody or two in store for government officials.
“Twitter will always be free for casual users,” Musk declared, “but maybe a slight cost for commercial/government users.”
Maybe higher than “slight” for the likes of Jankowicz and the entire White House cartel.
Author: Ofelia Thornton