Donald Trump remains determined to defeat Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), which has resulted in his involvement in the state’s impending gubernatorial race.
“Alaska needs Mike Dunleavy as Governor now more than ever,” Trump proclaimed in a recently released statement, adding that Dunleavy has his “Complete and Total Endorsement.”
However, the endorsement has a catch: Don’t support Senator Murkowski.
“In other words, if [Dunleavy] endorses her, which is his prerogative, my endorsement of him is null and void, and of no further force or effect!” Trump emphasized.
Trump’s anger towards Murkowski originates from her vote in favor of convicting Trump for deliberately inciting the attack on Capitol Hill, which occurred on January 6. In response to her vote, Trump has vowed to take revenge politically on Murkowski, as well as other Republican lawmakers who voted in favor of impeaching or convicting him for his role in the Capitol Hill attack.
However, of the senators who voted against Trump, Murkowski is the only lawmaker who faces reelection in 2022.
In addition, Trump has also endorsed a primary opponent of Murkowski: Kelly Tshibaka, who previously served as the Alaska Department of Administration Commissioner.
Trump proclaimed that Tshibaka “is a fighter who stands for Alaska values and America first,” noting that she is the candidate capable of “[beating] Murkowski.”
“She is MAGA all the way,” Trump declared, demonstrating admiration for Tshibaka’s open advocacy of second amendment rights.
Not only has Trump endorsed Tshibaka, but also Maggie’s List, which is a conservative PAC that aims to strengthen the number of similarly-minded women serving in Congress.
Tshibaka expressed pleasure at the favorable endorsement from Maggie’s List, noting that the group’s endorsement of her candidacy marks “the first time the group has endorsed a challenger to a female Republican incumbent.”
GOP hopeful Dunleavy will experience an open primary in 2022, in which he will face contenders from varied parties. However, the only other Republican candidate to enter the gubernatorial race is State Representative Christopher Kurka.
The four candidates who receive the highest number of votes will subsequently advance to the general election, where the outcome will be decided by ranked-choice voting, as reported by The Hill.