Over the past several months, Florida has endured a steady wave of criticism from various Democrats and mainstream media outlets for its COVID protocols. Ironically, the state is currently faring vastly better than numerous other states throughout the country with regards to the average number of cases per capita.
In the past two weeks alone, the two-week average of COVID cases has dropped by 33 percent in Florida.
Per a COVID map and case count provided by the New York Times, only two other states currently have fewer average cases per capita than Florida, which is presently reporting 14 COVID cases per 100,000 in the state population.
Only Hawaii and Louisiana have a lower per capita COVID case rate than Florida, at 13 and 9 per 100,000, respectively.
While California currently ties with Florida at having 14 cases per 100,000 in state population as well, several other Democrat-majority states are reporting much higher numbers.
For instance, Governor Whitmer’s Michigan is currently deluged with 43 cases per 100,000, whereas Governor Wolf’s Pennsylvania is reporting upwards of 35 cases per 100,000. In addition, New York, which has some of the strictest protocols in the nation, is reporting 23 cases per 100,000.
Moreover, the rate of the decrease of cases in Florida is vastly superior to numerous blue states’ decreased rates, with the 33 percent decline contrasting strongly with California’s 16 percent decline. New York witnessed a decline of only 8 percent.
Ironically, Washington, D.C. experienced an increase in COVID cases after re-implementing strict pandemic measures, including mask mandates. After this reimplementation, cases increased by 2 percent.
Michigan and Illinois have witnessed an 8 and 11 percent uptick in new COVID cases in the past two weeks, respectively.
As of October 18, the daily average of COVID cases in Florida stands at 3,042. Moreover, in the past two weeks, hospitalizations have decreased by 40 percent and mortalities have decreased by 5 percent.
This data emerges as various Democrat governors begin to call for mask mandates and other harsh pandemic measures due to fear mongering over the virus’s spread.
However, Governor DeSantis’s Florida never witnessed a statewide mask mandate throughout the pandemic, despite receiving enormous flack from various Democrat governors, notably Governor Cuomo of New York, who recently resigned in disgrace.