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Trump Finally Unveils His Plan To Take Back America

Just when the nation seems that it is on the edge of a precipice, Trump swoops in to remind Americans to have hope and resilience, especially with the 2022 midterms lurking around the corner.

And he just held an amazing rally in Iowa over the weekend.

Trump, who holds a 91 percent favorability rating amongst Republican Iowans, stole the show, particularly when he laid out the exact issues facing the nation now … the exact issues that he warned about for multiple months while campaigning last year.

“After just 9 months under Biden, violent criminals and blood thirsty gangs are taking over our streets, illegal aliens and deadly drug cartels are taking over our borders, inflation is taking over our economy, China is taking over our jobs, the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, lunatic leftists are taking over our schools and radical socialists are taking over our country … We’re not gonna let that happen.” [Source: OANN]

What a way to summarize the disaster of the Biden administration, especially since it’s been less than a year into a disastrous administration.

Trump also blasted the “monstrosity” of the gargantuan “human infrastructure bill,” which is essentially code for transforming the United States into a land of dependents.

Of which there are far too many already, including aspiring dependents barreling across the border.

Which is precisely why Nikki Haley has reminded the nation of how much it still needs Trump.

“[Trump] has the ability to get strong people elected, and he has the ability to move the ball, and I hope that he continues to do that. We need him in the Republican Party. I don’t want us to go back to the days before Trump.” [Source: Fox News]

Especially since the days before Trump include attitudes like General Mark Milley’s, attitudes that have been unfortunately resurrected under the Biden administration.

Such as leaving nearly $90B worth of military equipment to the Taliban, which, according to Milley, is “cheaper.”

“It’s cheaper to leave the equipment than it is to take it.” [Source: Breitbart]

Oh, really? Let’s see how “cheap” that option is once the Chinese and Russians reverse engineer it ..

Trump was also approached by Milley with the same ridiculous plan, though he turned it down. Biden, however, did not.

“I know exactly what happened. Milley went up to him, just like he did to me, but it was unacceptable. With me, I said, ‘I want every nut, I want every bolt, I want every screw, I want every plane and tank, I want the Apaches, I want everything out. And I even want the hangars.’ You know, those beautiful canvas hangars that hold these big monster planes, they’re massive. I said, ‘I want the hangars, I want the canvas, I want the plastic, I want the fiberglass, and I want the steel, I want everything out. And then we’re going to bomb the hell out of the five or so bases that we don’t want.’” [Source: Breitbart]

Now that is leadership.

With Biden, Americans get … collaboration with the Taliban?!

Trump lamented the loss of “the latest and greatest” military equipment in Afghanistan, which not only includes the latest versions of varied night googles and machine guns, but also a number of helicopters.

What a boon for terrorists …

Especially when they resell to foreign enemies, who in turn will happily reverse engineer American technology … To use against Americans.

“So, our enemy of many years has all of that, and it’s a shame. It’s a shame. To see what happened to our country, it’s a shame.” [Source: Breitbart]

Fortunately, Trump left his supporters with a compelling message:

“[Make] America great again, again … We’re going to take America back.” [Source: OANN]

One can only hope that taking America back with start with the midterms … provided that Biden does not successfully attack election integrity laws in the meantime.

Author: Jane Jones

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