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Teachers Demand $50B+ For Illegal Migrants And Transgender Militants

Teachers Demand $50B+ For Illegal Migrants And Transgender Militants

Just when you thought public school teachers couldn’t get any crazier, they’ve managed to subvert all (exceedingly low) expectations and making shocking demands for billions (that’s right, billions) of dollars for illegal migrants and transgender militants.

Actually, make that demands for tens of billions of dollars.

Not surprisingly, the demands have originated from none other than the sanctuary city of Chicago, currently “led” by the ironically named mayor, Mr. “Brandon” Johnson.

“We are asking you to give us an opportunity to tell our story … It will cost $50 billion and three cents… yes it will, and so what, that’s audacity.”

So boomed the Stacy Davis Gates, who “serves” as the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) President.

Is that all, Ms. Gates?

Indeed, the CTU is apparently demanding $50B+, per a shocking report from the New York Post, which reveals just how insane teachers have truly gone in the past few years.

“The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is negotiating a new contract with the public schools system and is understood to be calling for an extra $50 billion to pay for wage hikes as well as other demands such as fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities and a host of LGBT-related requirements and training in schools …

To put the figure into context, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois last year were $50.7 billion,” the outlet reported.

Hey, per teachers’ “logic,” additional revenue can be obtained from taxing you-know-what out of people who actually work.

Of course, said teachers don’t account for people leaving the state for saner pastures, but that would involve thinking long-term … which woke snowflakes rarely do.

As part of the $50B+ demands, the teachers apparently feel entitled to massive pay increases for confusing children about gender while simultaneously lecturing them about how evil white people are.

The same white people, of course, whose taxes are paying for all this nonsense in the first place.

Indeed, at present, the average salary of a teacher in Chicago Public Schools is $93,182 per year … and don’t forget having 4+ months off with a massive array of healthcare benefits, to boot.

Under the new “plan” presented by the CTU, the average teacher’s pay will increase by 50 percent, or to nearly $144,620 by the 2027-2028 school year.

To put that figure into perspective, the $144,000+ salary is more than double the median household income in Chicago.

Don’t forget teachers are basically off for a (paid) four months per year, and that’s assuming they do anything of substance during the other eight months in which they allegedly “work.”

Seems most teachers are intent on indoctrinating students into ultra-leftist propaganda.

Considering that only 21 percent of the city’s eighth grade students are “proficient” in reading, per the New York Post.

On top of the outrageous salary demands, the CTU is also demanding for all 646 (worthless) public schools to have a “newcomer liaison,” recalling that “newcomer” is the phrase Biden likes to use for violent illegals.

Indeed, the CTU apparently thinks it’s wise to deliver $2,000 cash handouts to all illegals, while simultaneously requiring alleged teachers to be trained annually on LGBTQ+ issues as a qualification.

Oh, and the CTU militants also want at least one “gender neutral” bathroom per school, for all 646 utterly useless schools.

Unfortuantely, the CTU may receive, at least in part, some of their outrageous, multibillion dollar demands.

Indeed, the hilariously named “Brandon” Johnson received $6M in “donations” from teachers’ unions, including $2.6M from the CTU alone.

Little wonder that Mailee Smith, who serves as the senior director of labor policy at the Illinois Policy Institute, is disgusted by the current state of affairs.

“These demands read more like a political agenda than a serious contract intent on supporting teachers’ wages and benefits, and promoting the education of Chicago students … These demands are far outside the scope of traditional bargaining, putting taxpayer dollars on the line in pursuit of more union power and social activism,” Smith remarked angrily.

Smith pointedly added that “Brandon” should recuse himself from contract negotiations, given his obviously compromised position.

It remains to be seen whether or not Mr. “Brandon” will do so, though the ultra-leftist media will surely cover for the deranged sanctuary city.

Perhaps most hilariously of all, the CTU president, Ms. Gates, has blasted school choice as “racist” … while sending her son to a private school.

Limousine liberals in a nutshell.

Author: Jane Jones

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