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CDC Makes Startling Move With 980M+ COVID Vaccine Cards

It’s awfully strange how the mainstream media continues to carp on about COVID, especially when the CDC is making rather startling moves with the COVID vaccine cards.

As detailed by Fox News, the CDC is apparently no longer printing COVID vaccine cards, which were basically required to live under the domain of destructive Dems during the pandemic.

These cards, which were so vital all of a year ago, if that, have suddenly been declared obsolete by the CDC.

Jeff Chorath, who manages the immunization information system in Washington state, apparently doesn’t see the issue with the CDC suddenly terminating the cards, choosing to prattle on about “the positives” of individuals having “increased autonomy” over their health records.

“One of the positives (during the pandemic) was having increased autonomy on your patient record, especially the immunization record,” Chorath cheerfully declared.

Yeah. An immunization record forced on the vast majority of the population, with many individuals’ jobs threatened unless they were vaccinated.

Now, out of nowhere, the CDC has suddenly decided that the cards are immaterial?

Remember the terrible days of the Democrats’ experimentation with a dictatorship, chiefly when they banned anyone from accessing any public services unless they had an alleged vaccine card?

New York City was probably one of the most notorious in this regard, especially when evaluating Emergency Executive Order 228.

This order included the following mandates, which are oh so not logical in an allegedly free nation.

“I hereby order that, except as provided in subdivision c of this section, a covered entity shall not permit a patron, full- or part-time employee, intern, volunteer, or contractor to enter a covered premises without displaying proof of vaccination and identification bearing the same identifying information as the proof of vaccination,” the emergency executive order boomed.

So, in other words, unless someone was vaccinated, they were not permitted to enter a store, restaurant, or pretty much anywhere else necessary for basic needs.

And, in case a “rogue” business decided to respect liberty instead, the law of New York City would come down, hard.

“I hereby direct that each instance that a covered entity fails to check an individual’s vaccination status shall constitute a separate violation of this section,” the emergency order added.

That executive order has suddenly bitten the dust, along with the COVID cards that were required for basic living in Dem enclaves.

Needless to say, multiple individuals were not amused, as evidenced by a rather humorous, if dark, series of comments on the Fox News article.

“Red Flags were there all along. Since the very beginning all dissenting opinions and therapeutics were ridiculed and silenced. That was enough for many of us to know something was very wrong with this shot,” one commenter remarked.


Whatever the COVID shot was, it certainly was not a traditional vaccine, nor even a traditional therapy, for the general population.

Especially when “vaccinated” people were infected with COVID anyway!

Other commenters noted the sheer waste on the CDC’s behalf, as the agency apparently mailed out 980 million cards … despite that figure being almost triple the number of Americans.

“980M cards? There are only 330M Americans. What a waste of government resources,” someone exclaimed in disbelief.

“Yeah, but 650M illegals,” another individual replied, in a rather darkly humorous manner.


Author: Jane Jones

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