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Biden’s Home Address Linked To Devious Despot

Gotta love it when the President of the United States has his personal address on file with the communist dictator of China.

That’s right: Apparently Mr. Biden thinks it’s totally appropriate for his home address to be listed by the Chinese Communist Party … for money wires totaling well into six figures.

As detailed by Newsmax, Representative James Comer has uncovered even more shocking realities underlying the Biden family’s bulging bank accounts.

“Bank records don’t lie but President Joe Biden does … In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans that his family never received money from China. We’ve already proved that to be a lie earlier this year, and now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary address when he was running for president of the United States,” Comer remarked crisply.

So, the Chinese Communist Party literally had Biden’s home address listed as a “beneficiary” for various services while Biden was running for president.

That’s just lovely. Any wonder why COVID just happened to balloon across American territory during 2020?

After all, those plans were long in the making, as evidenced by his interactions with a major Chinese equity player with undoubted links to the government.

“When Joe Biden was vice president, he spoke on the phone and had coffee with Jonathan Li in Beijing, and later wrote a college letter of recommendation for his children,” Comer continued.

Must be nice. While Biden prattles on about eliminating student debt, on the taxpayers’ dime, he gleefully writes glowing letters of recommendation for communist royalty, all for the fattening of his bank accounts.

Regardless of the clear and present risks to national security posed by Biden’s shenanigans, which Comer also indicates.

“Joe Biden’s abuse of public office for his family’s financial gain threatens our national security … What did the Bidens do with this money from Beijing? Americans demand and deserve accountability for President Biden and the first family’s corruption. The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary and Ways and Means committees, will continue to follow the evidence and money to provide transparency and accountability,” Comer declared forcefully.

Best of luck, Mr. Comer.

Indeed, the Biden regime has demonstrated that it has few to little qualms regarding the weaponization of federal agencies to suit its aims, which is evidenced by the joke of an investigation into Hunter Biden’s affairs.

Which are, in reality, little more than a poorly disguised record of the president’s business affairs, using Hunter as a conduit.

A potential theory, anyway, as Dems are far more likely to throw Hunter under the bus.

Regardless, it is abundantly clear that the president is at least peripherally involved, given the presence of his home address on Chinese money wire documentation, which carries more than one serious implication for national security.

Fortunately, Republicans finally have greater authority to investigate following their slight power gains in the most recent midterm elections, revealing more and more realities through the investigations of Comer and the whistleblower allegations of Biden associates.

One can only imagine all the other surprises in store before 2024.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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