With Biden’s recent promise to give Ukraine an effectively indefinite blank check, it is little wonder that more than one conservative is becoming a tad leery.
In fact, 29 concerned GOP lawmakers have sent a letter outlining their concerns, making it rather clear that an “exit plan” appears elusive.
“How is the counteroffensive going? Are the Ukrainians any closer to victory than they were 6 months ago? What is our strategy, and what is the president’s exit plan?” the lawmakers pressed.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was even more blunt, especially when Zelensky teed him off by asking for a “joint session.”
“’Zelensky asked us for a Joint Session and we just didn’t have time,” McCarthy remarked in exasperation.
“Was Zelensky elected to Congress? Is he our president? I don’t think so. I have questions for where’s the accountability on the money we’ve already spent? What is this the plan for victory?” McCarthy demanded.
Accountability? Hah!
A foreign word to the current White House occupants … More foreign than their corrupt foreign business dealings, actually.
That said, Americans are uninterested in an interminable conflict in Eastern Europe, in particular when American borders remain remarkably undefended.
“What’s the plan for victory? I think that’s what the American public wants to know,” McCarthy added pointedly.
Alas, such a plan appears evasive.
According to Le Monde, a Western diplomat anonymously remarked that Ukraine is not exactly achieving what was to be expected with hundreds of billions in aid to date.
“Ukraine has lost a bit of momentum, which is due to the fact that their counter-offensive on the ground is moving less quickly than hoped.”
Despite this reality, Zelensky still managed to score a major victory with Biden, undoubtedly provoking McCarthy even further.
As detailed by the Daily Mail, Zelensky implored Congress for more and more billions, claiming, “if we don’t get the aid, we will lose the war.”
That said, he may well lose the entire Ukrainian population while he’s at it.
Astonishingly, Zelensky even managed to indirectly lash out McCarthy, ordering the American government to stay “unified” and “strong.”
“When this war started, you said to me, Ukraine, stay unified and stay strong. I’m coming back and saying to the United States: stay unified and stay strong,” Zelensky boomed.
Well then.
Gotta love it when Biden lets other foreign leaders effectively lecture Republicans about the importance of pledging indefinite billions to an increasingly intractable war.
Zelensky also enjoyed a private meeting with Biden, in which he undoubtedly received unofficial promises for even more billions.
Heck, Biden is already blithering on about another $24B in aid.
“When it comes to weapons, we will discuss everything with a special emphasis on air defense,” Zelensky brayed.
“We also focused on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense capabilities to protect the critical infrastructure,” Biden chimed in, eager to give away more taxpayer revenues.
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan also declared that the United States would be giving a “[tranche of] of military assistance today including significant air defense capabilities to help Ukraine.”
Little wonder that Zelensky subsequently boasted about the “very productive, strong negotiations.”
“And today we have some important results,” Zelensky boomed.
Much to McCarthy’s chagrin.
Author: Jane Jones