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Professor Threatens To Kill Senator For Vote Against Transgender

While woke professors have been going off the deep end since the 1960s, it looks like they’ve moved on to making actual threats against the lives of politicians who dare to vote with their conscience.

One such “professor” includes Marcus Venable at LSU, who thought it would be a great idea to threaten kill State Senator Mike Fesi.

Fesi’s crime?

Voting “yes” on Bill 648, which is also known as the “Stop Harming Our Kids Act.”

As suggested by the name, the bill is designed to prevent confused youth from receiving transgender surgery.

Yes, that’s right: In the mind of the ultra-woke, daring to protect children from sexual indoctrination is apparently tantamount to a crime deserving of the death penalty.

As detailed by the Daily Mail, Fesi made it clear that he opposed hormone therapy for minors, especially in the wake of multiple young adults coming forward and detailing what a mistake that gender transition surgeries were.

“You know who the real experts are, it’s the ones that had this procedure done and are now in their mid-twenties, and late twenties, and trying to say that they hate their parents for letting this happen to them,” Fesi declared.


Though an LSU “professor” thought otherwise.

And, in his not-so-brilliant state of mind, the same professor also thought it would be a great idea to leave a voicemail threatening to do so.

“I just wanted to say ‘Congratulations, to our State Senator, Big Mike Fesi. And that f***ing moron voted to make things worse for people who are already suffering. You fat f***ing piece of sh**,” “Professor” Venable spewed.

What an appropriate last name, considering all the venom emanating from it.

“You did not produce any g**d*** evidence to support the claims you made about people being harmed by transgender care, yet we’ve had tons of empirical evidence telling us there’s an increased suicide risk for people who don’t get this care,” the “professor” continued.

Really? That’s rather interesting.

If there is “tons of empirical evidence,” which the professor doesn’t bother to specifically address, it is awfully strange that the National Health Services (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK) has taken the exact opposite approach of the “empirical evidence” presented to date.

Especially as the UK is hardly known for being conservative these days.

However, even the UK draws a line with trying to initiate sex changes in children.

“Outside of a research setting, puberty-suppressing hormones should not be routinely commissioned for children and adolescents,” the government agency declared.

Clearly, “Professor” Venable didn’t get that memo. As evidenced by him threatening to put the professor “in the ground.”

“So you, you big fat headed mother f***er, I can’t wait to read your name in the f***ing obituary. I will make a goddamn martini made from the tears of your butthurt conservatives when we put your f***ing a** in the ground, you fat f***ing useless piece of sh*t,’ Venable ranted in the 50 second voicemail … F*** you. I hope you have a terrible day. Go f*** yourself,” the “professor” continued.

LSU had the sense to relieve the “professor” of their teaching duties, though they are apparently still letting the violent extremist take classes.

That’s right: Most humorously of all, the “professor” is actually a PhD student, as the vast majority of basic undergraduate classes (almost all of them) are taught by other students, an ironic “slave system” perpetuated by higher education institutions that will publicly proclaim their support of BLM and other initiatives.

That means woke students are free to fill students’ minds with total nonsense, all while taxpayers ultimately foot the bill for Biden’s ill-advised bailouts.

After all, just imagine how many irresponsible, indebted graduates have violent views like this “Professor” Venable.

The kind who want to literally kill those who disagree with them.

Scary, scary times …

Author: Jane Jones

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