Here’s a fantastic rule of thumb for evaluating the modern-day media: Whatever they’re talking about the least is likely the story you want to pay attention to the most.
In particular stories that can be traced directly to the official Department of Defense (DoD) website itself, which should, in theory, be material worth talking about.
After all, what is the media going to do … dismiss official publications from the DoD as “disinformation?”
On the contrary, the media may choose instead to distract voters with the latest cultural wars, which clearly circle the drain to nowhere, all while protecting the real vested interests of certain government entities.
Including the apparent desire to “augment” the potential for full blown conflict between the United States and Russia.
In a shocking move late last week, “President” Joe Biden signed an executive order that vowed to increase the number of American troops in Europe, to the tune of at least 3,000.
“Biden Approves Mobilization of Reserves to Support Eucom,” the DoD baldly declares in a press release, before offering distressing details on the president’s decision to effectively commit American lives to Ukraine.
“President Joe Biden today issued an executive order approving the mobilization of select reserve forces with up to 3,000 personnel, augmenting the armed forces in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve,” the DoD proclaimed.
“Augmenting,” huh? How comforting. Way to de-escalate the situation.
Unsurprisingly, top military brass expressed eagerness over the troop escalation, as evidenced by remarks from Army Lieutenant General Douglas A. Sims II, who serves as the Joint Staff Director of Operations.
“This new designation benefits troops and families with increases in authorities, entitlements and access to the reserve component forces and personnel … This [order] reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to defend NATO’s eastern flank in the wake of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine,” Sims boomed.
So, in other words, thousands of troops are being sent to Europe due to Ukraine.
And, like the wonderfully appointed puppet he is, Biden signed off late last week, with very little media furor.
The entirety of “Biden’s” executive order can be viewed here.
Even more frighteningly, the executive order wasn’t even addressed in any formal capacity on CBS’s “Face the Nation” over the weekend, further underscoring the extent to which the media wants to keep the latest dangerous executive order largely under wraps from the public.
Given the number of American lives lost in Iraq, now widely acknowledged to be a conflict based on total lies, it is not surprising the media will downplay the reality of Biden sending thousands of troops to Europe.
But he is … according to the DoD itself.
Bear in mind that this number could easily multiply to more than 3,000, much in the same way Biden’s initial infusion of billions into Ukraine rapidly multiplied to well over $100B since the start of Putin’s invasion.
However, even more problematically.
The main silver lining in the entire scenario is that more than one Democrat is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the rather obvious thirst for war emanating from the executive branch.
Which is precisely why 49 Democrat representatives recently voted against the White House’s determination to send cluster bombs to Ukraine.
The vote was quite surprising, but also welcome, as some Democrat representatives clearly are not keen on amplifying tensions with Russia, especially as China continues licking its chops over the entire Eastern hemisphere. And beyond.
Needless to say, cluster bombs would significantly amplify the brutality and deadliness of the conflict, not to mention move the European continent closer and closer to the exact same type of “Great War” geopolitics that demarcated the first few decades of the twentieth century.
Except it wouldn’t be the exact same … as nuclear threats were not an issue during the First World War.
They most certainly, however, are a serious issue to consider in a potential Third World War.
An issue that Biden seems utterly oblivious too as he rambled on about Armageddon.
And they said Trump would start the Third World War.
Perhaps the same “they” that Biden is apparently beholden to, given how often Biden says “they” let him do this, or “they” let him do that …
Author: Jane Jones
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