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Deranged Dems Hand A Major Win To Child Traffickers

It’s amazing, isn’t it, how certain “conspiracy theories” from just a couple of years ago have become modern realities.

After all, it was just over three years ago that former President Donald Trump called out the COVID virus for exactly what it was – a lab-based disaster originating from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Of course, Dr. Antony Fauci, who has become a multimillionaire several times over since the pandemic, openly and repeatedly refuted Trump, just like he was likely bribed to do, a la Biden style.

Revelation after revelation since the pandemic has revealed the degree of deception that Mr. “Follow the Science” inflicted upon the nation, from his private belief in the potential inefficacy of masks to his own family members restricting information online, given their convenient employment at technology companies like Twitter (pre-Musk).

Now, the most recent revelations, embedded in a huge report, show that Mr. Fauci was indeed quite subservient to the paymasters in Beijing.

Specifically, the report reveals that a number of virologists, former NIH Director Francis Collins, and, of course, Fauci, privately suspected the virus was the result of a lab outbreak, yet they publicly proclaimed otherwise out of fear of antagonizing China.

Per a recent tweet, which CEO Elon Musk has notably not taken down for “disinformation” (given that “disinformation” tends to involve unflattering information for Democrats), it appears that multiple colleagues of Dr. Fauci, including Dr. Rambaut, Dr. Andersen, Dr. Fouchier, and Dr. Collins, all colluded in favor of protecting China.

“Given the sh** show that would happen if anyone serious accused the Chinese of even accidental release, my feeling is we should say that given there is no evidence of a specifically engineered virus, we cannot possible distinguish between natural evolution and escape so we are content with ascribing it to natural processes,” Rambaut boomed.

Well, how promising. The doctor effectively admits that the United States is beholden to China, the clear objective of Marxist globalists.

“An accusation that nCoV-2019 might have been engineered and released into the environment by humans (accidental or intentional) would … do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular,” Fouchier whined.

Oh, the horror! How dare the United States interfere with China’s crafting of potential biological weapons.

“Yup, I totally agree that that’s a very reasonable conclusion. Although I hate when politics is injected into science – but its impossible not to, especially given the circumstances. We should be sensitive to that,” Andersen brayed.

Shame China wasn’t more “sensitive” with its surveillance balloons over nuclear silos, which Biden permitted to drift across the entire nation.

Pretty frightening commentary. Almost as though Fauci was more concerned about China than he was about the United States.

Little wonder that Fauci was so openly opposed to Trump, despite the fact such opposition is at least partially responsible for the huge crisis the nation is in now.

After all, had Fauci backed Trump up, that support could have gone a long way towards securing a Trump, rather than a Biden, presidency.

Alas, Fauci decided to dismiss reality as a conspiracy theory while promoting an ultimate conspiracy theory as reality instead.

Indeed, it would appear that the Dems have become renowned for proving “conspiracy theories” correct, not to mention effectively admitting that Trump was/is right on repeated occasions.

Speaking of Trump, one of the most egregious examples of such a turnabout from conspiracy to reality occurred when multiple mainstream media outlets reported the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s perverse laptops … basically two years too late.

The tardiness is even more outrageous considering that the FBI, not to mention the IRS and DOJ (and likely the CIA and NSA), were already more than aware of the Bidens’ mutually beneficial shenanigans overseas.

It’s a shame those temporary benefits for a few came at the expense of long-term national security for virtually all.

Author: Jane Jones

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