Wow, for someone intent on being re-elected in 2024, President Joe Biden might want to play a little more nicely with the press that protects him so frequently.
Alas, like the typically entitled globalist that he is, Biden is not at all grateful and instead furious that he apparently must pretend to interact with non-foreign actors and non-politicians on a barely regular basis.
And, on the rare occasion that he is asked a question that wasn’t pre-approved and pre-rehearsed with him, Biden flips out.
Reporters are becoming increasingly leery of a president who is apparently deeply ingratiated with China, Ukraine, and other entities from previous (or current?) corrupt business practices.
After all, only so many tens of millions can flood to a politician and his family’s coffers before someone notices.
And, while Biden may have the DOJ and IRS locked down, in that neither department will move forward as long as the White House continues to weaponize them, he can’t control every last member of the media.
At least not yet … though he clearly craves Beijing-level control of the press.
Which is evident from him screaming at a reporter that asked about the “shakedown” regarding suspicious payments from China.
“President Biden, how involved were you in your son’s Chinese shakedown text message? Were you sitting there? Were you involved?” Reporter Steven Nelson inquired.
“No, I wasn’t, and I don’t –,” Biden spluttered in response.
“Were you?” Nelson pressed.
“NO!” Biden screamed.
Well, that’s an aggressive step up from curtly remarking, “that’s not true,” as Biden declared before.
Wow, way to convince the world of your innocence, Biden.
Blowing up at reporters over China is really a swell way to convince the world that you had nothing to do with your son’s deranged business dealings.
Never mind that Hunter would have never had such awful, national security-endangering opportunities had he never had an able and willing corrupt politician for a father in the first place.
Never mind the fact the most recently released revelations from Hunter’s nefarious cellular phone records reveal him openly threatening China, using his father as leverage to demand $10M rather than $5M in payments.
Not so coincidentally, China has been threatening the United States ever since.
Between Biden claiming that Putin is losing the war in Iraq to openly shouting at reporters, it’s pretty clear why he’s kept in his basement for campaign purposes.
What’s not clear is why the media continues to cover for him.
Author: Ofelia Thornton