If Democrats were not so insanely destructive, their policies would almost constitute a perverse case study, given how insanely paradoxical many of them are.
Perhaps one of the greatest paradoxes of all, as deftly revealed by the efforts of Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, includes their utter hypocrisy when it comes to migration.
Abbott, who has taken to bussing a small percentage of the hordes of illegal migrants storming the border, has attracted national outcry from the obnoxious Dems for the supposed cruelty of his scheme.
Never mind the fact that Americans have been killed, harmed, de-prioritized, and otherwise treated very poorly by multiple illegal criminals, a situation that is all the more disgusting when considering kid gloves the White House uses with illegal migrants.
Plus, in several ways, Abbott is doing migrants a favor: He wants to send them precisely where they want to go anyway: sanctuary cities, wherein illegal migrants are welcomed into taxpayer-funded hotels for “free.”
New York City is one such sanctuary city, and woke Mayor Eric Adams apparently thinks it’s a great idea to rant on and on about how awful and terrible migrant resettlement schemes, as demonstrated by varied Republican leaders, apparently are.
“I think this is a complete political stunt. And that’s what has created what is happening here in New York City and my concern is what is happening here in this city, and I believe they created it …This is a humanitarian crisis created by human hands and it was a political stunt,” Adams raged.
Actually, Mr. Adams, Dems created the crisis by encouraging open borders, and you apparently think it’s a great idea to displace the blame on Republicans, who are primarily tasked with cleaning up Dem messes.
The great idea becomes suddenly terrible when it is revealed that none other than Adams himself has been busted “resettling” migrants out of New York and into other areas, which not only include Texas and Florida, but also a variety of other nations, including Venezuela and China, as detailed by The Blaze.
Nice. Something suggests that wasn’t very “humanitarian” of Adams, but he probably didn’t count on being called out by conservative media.
Adams has also pulled other stunts, such as sleeping a grand total of one night in some shipping terminal (if he even actually stayed the night) in a lame bid to relocate migrants from luxury hotels to the port.
Hilariously, migrants revolted against Adams and staged a protest over being relocated.
And, even when Adams is literally using the same tactics as Abbott, except some are sent to China of all places, he has the gall to use his public platform to rant and rave about Republicans.
When the real “root cause” of mass illegal immigration is Democrats’ utterly terrible sanctuary city policies.
After all, sanctuary cities make zero qualms about the fact that they will defy federal authorities and protect any and all illegals, no matter how expensive and/or criminal their lifestyles are, which is precisely why so many tens of millions, if not more, are driven there in the first place.
Democrat cities refuse to eliminate the concept of sanctuary cities, all while Ms. Kamala Harris yammers on about eliminating the “root cause” of illegal migration.
Perhaps one day Dems will eliminate the awful concept of sanctuary cities, but until then, may they continue to be overwhelmed by their own madness.
Author: Jane Jones