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Dems Fight For Children Of Cartel Leaders’ “Rights” To Become US Citizens

Dems Fight For Children Of Cartel Leaders’ “Rights” To Become US Citizens

Since taking office, Trump has undertaken a number of aggressive actions to undo the enormous damage brought about by the Biden-Harris administration, especially in terms of national security.

One of the gravest threats to national security is not only the mass migration of illegals, but also the egregious exploitation of a so-called “birthright” citizenship. The concept of “birthright” citizenship holds that anyone born on American soil, including children of illegal migrants, is an automatic citizen of the United States.

Sounds like a total recipe for disaster, doesn’t it?

That’s because it is.

As a result, Trump passed an executive order that effectively revokes such a “birthright,” declaring that children must be born from at least one parent who is a lawful resident or U.S. citizen.

In essence, at least one parent has to be legal for their child to receive “automatic” citizenship. Just one.

Apparently, that was one too many for the Dems, who have now flown into a rage over Trump’s common-sense approach to eradicating root causes.

As reported by Reuters, 22 different states – all led by Democrats – along with San Francisco and Washington, D.C. are currently suing the Trump administration over this particular executive order.

And, as even more recently reported by Blaze Media, at least one judge has already shot down Trump’s executive order.

U.S. District Judge John Coughenour declared that Trump’s order “boggles the mind,” adding that “this is a blatantly unconstitutional order.”

Well, Coughenour, that depends. How about a little context?

The birthright citizenship traces its roots to the Fourteenth Amendment, which was established in the aftermath of the Civil War.

Per this amendment, “all persons born or naturalized and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

That amendment was also intended to protect the citizenship rights of the children of slaves. Over time, it has apparently morphed into all children born on American soil becoming automatic citizens.

And that pattern continues, especially as the Supreme Court has not ruled “precisely” on the meaning of “natural born,” per none other than Cornell Law School.

Which means entire terrorist organizations could give birth on U.S. soil, and every single child would be an American citizen.

Now that’s real domestic extremism, in every sense of the phrase.

Some states have been especially egregious in their coddling of illegals, such as Massachusetts, whose leaders had the gall to ask Americans to open up their homes to illegals after the state ran out of space.

Little wonder that Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell is currently focusing her efforts on raging against Trump, rather than protecting the taxpayers who keep overpaid officials like her in office.

“President Trump does not have the authority to take away constitutional rights,” Campbell sneered.

And Democrats do not have the authority to shelter illegals, in particular violent illegals, who go on to do terrible things to the United States.

And when those illegals have several children, as many of them tend to do when receiving endless freebies, it is no surprise at all that Trump took aim straight at a real “root cause” of mass illegal migration.

Frankly, when considering all the ways in which the birthright citizenship process is abused, it is quite amazing that nearly 50 percent of the states in the nation are openly challenging the Trump administration.

It is even more amazing that a judge has automatically revoked, or attempted to revoke, Trump’s clear order.

Little wonder that the varied mistresses of drug lords in Mexico have crossed the border just to have their children in the United States for their so-called “birthright.”

For instance, the wife of El Chapo was notorious for doing so, traveling to none other than California to give birth to twins, both of whom became automatic American citizens.

“The wife of powerful Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has given birth to twins in a Los Angeles hospital and returned to Mexico, according to a senior U.S. government official,” CNN reported in 2011.

Of course, such a travesty happened during the Obama regime.

The same “rights” would apply for the children of Pablo Escobar, one of the most notorious drug lords of all time.

Many other nations offer suspect services as well, such as “medical tourism” in which pregnant women can give birth in the United States – another scam.

Yet, for whatever deranged reason, the Democrats have apparently decided, once again, that Americans come last in all contexts – including after terrorists.

Hopefully, they will not succeed in their avowed defense of illegal migrants.

That said, after all the shenanigans they pulled with former President Joe Biden, it would not be surprising at all if they do something truly off the wall.

Author: Jane Jones

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