As everyone is now well aware, former President Joe Biden not only pardoned his son at the tail end of 2024, which he said – repeatedly – that he would not do.
Many are also aware of the fact that Biden also rammed through several other eleventh-hour pardons during President Donald Trump’s inaugural festivities, well aware that many Americans likely would not be paying as much attention.
It didn’t help that CNN, MSNBC, and related outlets focused more on all the supposed horrors of the Trump administration, like daring to follow immigration law, rather than Biden’s final actions as president.
In fact, the mainstream media outlets that bothered to comment on Biden’s pardons actually justified them … all because of Trump.
“Biden in Final Hours Pardons Relatives and Others to Thwart Trump Reprisals,” the pompous New York Times declared.
Per the New York Times, these pardons were necessary to protect the people allegedly “targeted” by Trump.
Gee. Perhaps people who have committed crimes, especially crimes related to national security and public safety, should be targeted?
Just a thought.
And one of the worst individuals in that regard, with both national security and public safety, was none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Naturally, Fauci received a pardon from Biden.
“Biden issues pre-emptive pardons for siblings, Fauci and Jan 6 riot panel,” the more restrained BBC remarked.
The BBC also quoted Biden’s “justification” for the bizarre, preemptive pardons.
“Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment,” Biden boomed.
Right. A tireless commitment to tyranny during COVID, in the case of Fauci.
Astonishingly, Biden also claimed that his pardon of Fauci, amongst others, was due to the fear of “unjustified… politically motivated prosecutions.”
In other words, exactly what Biden, Clinton, and Co. have done to Trump for over eight years now.
And, rather ironically, a publication dedicated to “the science” highlights how BIden may have pardoned Fauci, but he sure threw Fauci’s partner in crime under the bus.
Despite the fact Fauci and the partner in crime collaborated on the exact same gain of function research.
Heck, Fauci funded it … with American taxpayer dollars.
“Biden pardons Fauci but debars EcoHealth and its leader for actions during pandemic,” Science wryly observed.
A wry observation, indeed.
“One day before leaving office, President Joe Biden blocked his successor from prosecuting Anthony Fauci … for any actions Fauci may have taken relating to the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. But another scientist involved in the long-running controversy has lost his job and been banned from receiving any government funding,” Science detailed.
So, in other words, Biden further admitted Fauci was guilty by destroying the career of the much lower-profile – and much less economically advantaged – conservation biologist Peter Daszak.
Daszak served as the former president of EcoHealth Alliance, the organization notorious for commencing gain-of-function research.
Under Fauci’s command.
After all, it was Fauci who proclaimed a pandemic may be effectively “worth it,” depending on the research that could be uncovered.
Indeed, EcoHealth Alliance, which held the NIH-backed grant that funded the “research” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Which Fauci was well aware of.
Nonetheless, as someone apparently had to be a scapegoat for Emperor Fauci, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suspended both EcoHeatlh and Daszak from receiving funding.
That’s nice. Way to admit major league guilt, right before the Trump inauguration.
In addition, the HHS issued formal, 5-year debarments of Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance.
Meanwhile, Fauci publicly boasted about getting away with everything he did.
“I appreciate the action that President Biden has taken today on my behalf,” Fauci brayed.
Right. The “action” that effectively admits Fauci’s guilt.
“There are no possible grounds for any allegation or threat of criminal investigation or prosecution of me,” Fauci added pompously.
Tell that to Senator Rand Paul.
Astonishingly, Fauci had the gall to whine about the “immeasurable and intolerable distress for [him] and [his] family” caused by fears of an alleged Trump reprisal.
Is Fauci for real?
How about the “immeasurable and intolerable distress” caused to Americans due to his absolutely outrageous policies?
Including endless lockdowns that senselessly separated loved ones from one another for months.
Alas, Fauci appears concerned only for himself, not for the hundreds of millions of American lives he upended with his horrific policies.
Author: Ofelia Thornton