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Clueless “Comedian” Spreads Disinformation On Trump And Wildfires

Clueless “Comedian” Spreads Disinformation On Trump And Wildfires

While the Democrats have been bad enough in blaming everyone but themselves for losing the 2024 election, they have really pulled out all the stops in blaming everyone but themselves for the devastating wildfires that continue to rage across California at the time of this writing.

Especially when they have the gall to blame President Trump for the disastrous response, at least in part.

Naturally, a woke comedian is the one to lead the condemnation of Trump, conveniently ignoring the real root causes of the crisis.

Jimmy Kimmel, long known for swearing his undying allegiance to the Democrats, is one such comedian.

Naturally, he was sure to use his platform as a way of deflecting attention from the Dems and onto Trump, using a heavy helping hand of disinformation to do so.

“[I do not] want to get into all the vile and irresponsible and stupid things our alleged future president and his gaggle of scumbags chose to say during our darkest and most terrifying hour,” Kimmel raged.

But, of course, as a clear sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), Kimmel did indeed get into those “things,” with a heavy dose of disinformation.

“The fact that they chose to attack our firefighters, who apparently aren’t white enough to be out there risking their lives on our behalf is — it’s disgusting but it’s not surprising,” Kimmel declared, delivering massive disinformation in doing so.

That’s nice, Kimmel.

For those who are addicted to disinformation, that is.

Here’s what Trump really said, which is clear as day in a post from his official account on Truth Social.

“Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way. He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), but didn’t care about the people of California,” Trump

Seems that Trump is blaming one entity and one entity only – the multimillionaire elitists that have shamelessly allowed Los Angeles to burn with their own polices.

The price of their “progressivism,” which Trump also pointed out.

“Now the ultimate price is being paid. I will demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!” Trump declared.

Without a doubt. Especially considering DEI on steroids, which is a euphemism for endowing the deliberately incompetent with massive salaries.

Deputy Chief Kristine Larson – who “serves” as the head of the useless Equity and Human Rights Bureau – is a profound example of such incompetence.

Incompetence made especially unattractive by her apparent misandry, or strong bias against men.

When she was asked in 2019 about how she would lift a man out of a burning building, Larsen effectively said he could just stay there.

“He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire,” Larsen coldly remarked.

More “tolerance” from the left.

As reported by the Daily Mail, even California residents were ticked, as voiced online.

“Los Angeles Fire Department Assistant Chief #KristineLarson should NOT be in her position if a heavy man is someone she won’t even consider rescuing from a fire. She’s better off working at Walmart or McDonalds,” one California resident declared.

Multiple bureaucrats associated with the wildfire response in Los Angeles apparently receive eyebrow-raising salaries, especially relative to how useless they are.

The Fire Chief LAFD – Kristina Crowley – reportedly receives a $439,722 annual salary.
The assistant to Crowley – Kristina Kepner – receives a $264,468 annual salary.
And, last and perhaps least, Ms. (or Mr.?) Larsen receives a whopping $399,000 per year, which apparently justifies her attitude towards leaving men in burning buildings.

Important note: All three of these clowns receive, rather than earn, their incredibly inflated salaries.

Which undoubtedly include primo healthcare and lifelong pensions, all courtesy of the taxpayers they failed to protect.

In the meantime, the media can continue to try to “blame Trump” all they want.

The results of the 2024 election alone speak for themselves, at least in terms of what the American public really believes now.

Hint: It isn’t the media. And it definitely isn’t the Dems …

Author: Jane Jones

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