Well, well, well.
First, they came and took the taxpayer-funded “freebies,” as a direct courtesy of the Democrats.
Next, they began to take their own “freebies,” also as a courtesy of the Democrats, albeit a more indirect one.
After all, Democrat leadership, which is all there appears to be in the formerly golden State of California, has been widely cited as one of the chief causes of the disastrous wildfire response.
Democrat leadership is definitely responsible for hordes upon hordes of illegals crossing the border with ease … and those same illegals are apparently taking advantage of the wildfires to enrich themselves.
According to a report from the New York Post, dozens upon dozens of individuals have shamelessly starting looting what is left to loot in various evacuation zones, as reported by the Santa Monica Police Department.
“This is a significant increase in the normal number of arrests in the neighborhoods,” the police noted.
Funny. As there has also been a significant increase in crime, on top of already high crime levels, in pretty much every major Democrat enclave.
“None of the arrestees are from Santa Monica,” the police added.
Well, no kidding.
In fact, it would appear that many of the arrestees are not even from the United States, which could be inferred from the arrests made to date.
“Many of their cars had license plates removed or were outfitted with fake tags – including a vehicle being driven by Miguel Angel Dorantes, 22, and 18-year-old Dominic Pacheco Magana,” the New York Post observed.
Ah. Obama “dreamers,” perhaps? Or perhaps they are Biden’s “newcomers,” instead.
At least the police finally feel a bit more emboldened to do their jobs without fear of Democrats’ retribution, or at least to talk as though they are.
As quoted in Police1, L.A. County District Attorney Nathan Hochman made it abundantly clear that all looters, whether American citizens or illegal aliens, will face the consequences of egregiously illegal activity.
“Let me be clear: If you exploit this tragedy to prey on victims of these deadly fires, we will find you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law,” Hochman declared.
Granted, “the fullest extent of the law” might mean little in California, one of the most pro-criminal states in the nation. As reflected in its own legislation.
Regardless, at least it is now apparently acceptable to threaten arrest of looters, provided they aren’t released within two hours over “zero bail” nonsense.
“Do not go ahead and engage in looting, engage in internet scams, engage in price gouging, do not violate evacuation orders. Do not commit any of these crimes in which people are trying to profit from the tragedy,” Hochman declared.
As if violent illegal aliens and their likeminded American counterparts care about the tragedy faced by others.
All they care about is opportunity … for themselves. And to heck with everyone else.
In fact, looting is oftentimes so lucrative for these criminals that some of them have apparently taken it upon themselves to worsen the wildfire situation.
For instance, 39-year-old Jose Gerardo Escobar has been charged with three counts of arson, a horrific crime at any time, but especially terrible during one of the worst wildfires in the nation’s history.
And that incident was not the only one.
“Last week, Ventura County authorities named 33-year-old Juan Sierra as a ‘person of interest’ in the Kenneth fire, which burned nearly 1,000 acres near the L.A.-Ventura County line and threatened homes in Calabasas,” Police1 noted.
Yet another potential Obama “dreamer” or Biden “newcomer.”
Seems that a decided lack of diversity exists amongst these criminals, and it also seems that many of them share a few key characteristics in common.
Little wonder that New York Post readers, amongst other conservative-minded audiences, immediately recognize yet another negative consequence of the Dems’ mass illegal migration “policies.”
“Just as Trump, who is right again, stated, California’s budget for emergency services were cut to fund invaders, who in turn set these fires and are looting the homes. Sadly, the majority of the fire victims voted for these incompetent leaders to implement this,” a commenter noted.
And, with any luck, those leaders will be voted out in the future.
Too bad millions of illegals can (likely) already vote in California, and it is highly likely they will continue voting for the very people that have enshrined criminals into their primary base.
That said, illegals don’t pay taxes, so the steady departure of taxpaying U.S. citizens with a modicum of sense will steadily eat away at the state’s ability to continue coddling criminals.
Then, those very illegals are even more likely to turn on the politicians who expedited their arrival to the United States in the first place.
Oh, the irony …
Author: Ofelia Thornton