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Afghanistan Commander Makes Stunning Claim On Kamala’s “Character”

Afghanistan Commander Makes Stunning Claim On Kamala’s “Character”

While the phrase “from the sublime to the ridiculous” is well known by many, it seems that the endorsements Comrade Kamala are receiving range “from the ridiculous to the even more ridiculous.”

Or, in the case of her latest endorsement, from the ridiculous to the downright insane.

As reported by Newsmax, General Stanley McChrystal, who previously served as commander of United States and NATO forces in Afghanistan, has written up a little op-ed for the New York Times, otherwise known as the media outlet masquerading as highbrow journalism.

More often than not, it’s a pathetic propaganda piece for the Dems.

And that propaganda was on full display when McChrystal declared his endorsement for Harris based on her so-called “character,” rather than her policies.

That’s right: character.

“Some deeply consequential decisions are starkly simple …That is how I view our upcoming presidential election. And that is why I have already cast my ballot for character – and voted for Vice President Kamala Harris,” McChrystal snootily proclaimed.

Is that so? Wonder how much he was paid to write that nonsense … if he even wrote it all.

Odds are excellent it may well be ghostwritten nonsense, generated by pro-woke AI.

On top of that, it’s rather interesting to see how McChrystal has “already cast” his ballot.

Care to explain that one, Mr. McChrystal?

Last time anyone checked, early voting has started exactly nowhere.

“She or he must lead – and that takes character … Character is the ultimate measure of leadership for those who seek the highest office in our land,” continued.

Oh please. “The highest office in our land” requires a whole lot more in addition to character.

On top of that, what kind of “character” does hapless Harris even have, given that she has no principles whatsoever to stand on?

In fact, if she has so much “character,” perhaps McChrystal could run down a huge list of the ways in which she demonstrates supposed morals and values.

Clearly, McChrystal had no concrete examples whatsoever, as he astonishingly launched into references to the American revolutionary Thomas Paine.

Which is perhaps one of the most insulting aspects of the entire editorial.

“The American revolutionary Thomas Paine is said to have written, ‘Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.’ Regardless of what a person says, character is ultimately laid bare in his or her actions. So, I pay attention to what a leader does,” McChrystal boomed.

That’s just great.

Perhaps McChrystal may also appreciate the fact that doing absolutely nothing – which is exactly what hapless Harris has done with the border – also speaks volumes.

In fact, a huge number of Americans are definitely “paying attention” to Harris’s profound failures at the border.

Not to mention her literally sprinting away from the press at every possible opportunity … despite enjoying the benefits of pitiable worship from the New York Times, as evidenced in this utterly pathetic editorial.

“I’ve thought deeply about my choice and considered what I’ve seen and heard and what I owe my three granddaughters … I’ve concluded that it isn’t political slogans or cultural tribalism; it is the best president my vote might help select. So, I have cast my vote for character, and that vote is for Vice President Kamala Harris,” McChrystal reiterated.

So, for the second time now, McChrystal claims to have “cast [his] ballot” already.

What election is he voting in?

Most laughably of all, after claiming, over and over again, that Harris has “character” without a shred of evidence to support his remarks, McChrystal proceeds to tell his readers to think critically.

In an editorial clearly devoid of critical thinking.

“Uncritically accepting the thinking of others or being swayed by the roar of social media crowds is a mistake … To turn a blind eye toward or make excuses for weak character from someone we propose to confer awesome power and responsibility on is to abrogate our role as citizens. We will get – and deserve – what we elect,” McChrystal declared.

Well, that’s for sure. After all, millions upon millions of increasingly violent illegals are certainly “deserved” for individuals insane enough to vote Democrat in the twenty-first century.

Just a shame they’re afflicting the red states with their violence as well.

“As a citizen, veteran and voter, I was not comfortable with many of the policy recommendations that Democrats offered at their convention in Chicago or those Republicans articulated in Milwaukee,” McChrystal noted.

Really? Is that so? Ever occur to McChrystal that policies are a direct reflection of the so-called “character” he claims is mandatory in a president?

“My views tend more toward the center of the political spectrum. And although I have opinions on high-profile issues, like abortion, gun safety and immigration, that’s not why I made my decision,” McChrystal added.

Guess the vans offering free abortions outside the DNC are the “character” McChrystal seeks in a president.

Hilariously, McChrystal had the gall to claim that the next president “must be more than a policymaker or a malleable reflection of the public’s passions.”

As if Harris has been anything but that for her entire “career.”

Though she doesn’t even have a coherent policy.

“[Americans must] apply the values we hope to find in our president, our nation and ourselves,” McChrystal boomed self-righteously, “let it be thoughtfully considered, carefully reached and yours alone.”

All righty then … Hard pass on that one.

If anything, that editorial may serve as an excellent, albeit unwitting, endorsement of Trump … if one views it “critically,” that is.

Author: Jane Jones

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