Looks like Comrade Kamala has, once again, said one thing while doing another.
Indeed, she challenged Trump near-immediately to another debate after claiming to have “won” the first debate … with absolutely zero substance.
Naturally, she strongly implied that Trump would not agree to a second debate.
In fact, Trump agreed to three different debates with Comrade Kamala: a September 4 debate on Fox News, a September 10 debate on ABC News, and a September 25 debate on NBC News.
Even more naturally, Kamala agreed only to the ABC debate …
Which just happened to be moderated by an incredibly biased moderator who just happened to be in the same sorority as the cackler.
Little wonder that “moderator” Linsey Davis gave Trump the endless third degree while letting cackling Kamala skate by on total lies.
In fact, Davis let Kamala skate by on not answering questions at all, though she sure did let her ramble on endlessly.
Little wonder that Trump has called for the next debate to be “fair.”
Now, Harris has unsurprisingly balked at a September 25 debate, demanding a debate in October instead.
Translation: Harris can’t get ready in time for a September 25 debate, as she needs a whole lot more practice spewing total lies devoid of substance.
No to mention practice her deeply unprofessional, hideously fake facial expressions.
Needless to say, a Trump campaign spokesperson was not amused.
“They are unserious … [Trump] has accepted 3 debates. They need to stop f—ing around,” the spokesperson declared.
Of course they aren’t serious.
Heck, half the debate, Kamala pulled a number of completely bizarre faces, which not only illuminated her inauthenticity, but also her extreme arrogance.
That extreme arrogance was even more apparent right after the debate, in which cackling Kamala effectively dared Trump to a second debate, when Trump had, long ago, agreed to three with her.
Now that Kamala is attempting to move a second debate well into October, Trump made it rather clear that he would not tolerate it.
“We just don’t think that there’s any need for it … We’ve done two. You know, one against Biden, one against Comrade Kamala. I did well. I did really well,” Trump mused.
Frankly, his facial expressions alone were far more “presidential” than those of Harris.
Just imagine Putin, Xi, or, heck, even Trudeau or Macron pulling such absurd faces in such a high-stakes, widely publicized endeavor.
Hint: They wouldn’t.
Clearly, however, she will, and those pathetic theatrics, straight out of a Hollywood reality television show, further illuminate her profound lack of presidential character.
Of course, the Harris camp has been busy spreading mass disinformation, including the claim that she supposedly addressed “every single issue that matters to the American people.”
Not only is that an outright lie, it is an embarrassingly lazy lie … her camp didn’t even bother to make up something more believable.
After all, Harris couldn’t even cough up a cogent response to the border crisis, which has been widely reported as an issue of major concern to the majority of Americans.
Yet her camp claims she addressed that issue, amongst innumerable others … Further indicative of total arrogance and even greater deception.
Though her camp’s melodramatic intonations are even worse.
“Under the bright lights, the American people got to see the choice they will face this fall at the ballot box: between moving forward with Kamala Harris, or going backwards with Trump,” Comrade Kamala’s camp declared.
Is that so?
Frankly, more than one American probably would like to go “backwards” to the Trump economy … and more than one American would undoubtedly decline to move “forward” with Comrade Kamala’s communist vision …
Or, more accurately, the communist vision of the deranged puppet masters jerking her pitiable strings.
Author: Ofelia Thornton