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DNC “Breaks Legs” To Suppress Rising Rebellion Against Biden

DNC “Breaks Legs” To Suppress Rising Rebellion Against Biden

The DNC has doubled down on its anointed puppet in chief – Biden – and they’re apparently willing to “break legs” to do it.

These extraordinary efforts on behalf are ongoing, despite multiple Democrats, from Adam Schiff to apparently Chuck Schumer, calling for Biden to step down.

These calls have only intensified in the wake of the so-called “virtual roll call” that may precede the DNC Convention.

During this proposed “virtual roll call,” Biden would be preemptively declared the nominee before the formal convention begins on August 19.

In other words, Team Biden and associates are prepared to pull out all the stops to ensure he remains on the ticket.

Much to the rebelling Democrats’ fury.

Indeed, they were only pacified after the “virtual roll call” was delayed by a couple of weeks, according to a revelatory report from Politico.

“A group of furious House Democrats was prepared to publicly repudiate an effort to nominate Joe Biden before the convention. An aggressive intraparty pressure campaign has convinced those lawmakers to stand down – for now,” Politico reported.

Apparently, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will allegedly not hold a “virtual roll call” that prematurely appoints Biden as the Democrats’ presidential nominee until August 1.

Which, of course, is still a full 18 days before the DNC Convention itself, when the Democrat presidential candidate would customarily be announced.

Of course, the Dems are doing everything in a decidedly non-customary way, especially in the wake of Biden’s epic faceplant moment during his high-stakes debate with Trump.

A faceplant moment followed by several others, right down to introducing President Zelenskyy as “President Putin” and referring to cackling Kamala as “Vice President Trump.”

Little wonder that so many Dems are presently panicking about the prospect of Biden 2.0.

California Representative Jared Huffman has taken an active stance against Biden, and he had planned to send a “missive” to the DNC before the “virtual roll call” was delayed until August 1.

“If the election were held today, he would get crushed … We have got to do something about it,” Huffman griped.

Well, good luck with that. After all, you’ll have “Doctor” Jill to contend with.

Huffman noted that at least 30 House Democrats had planned to sign his letter, with at least twice as many privately supporting his effort.

However, over a 24-hour period, a variety of state parties and labor groups, as well as the DNC itself, apparently pressured the Democrats to not sign the letter.

“No doubt about it, they were trying to twist arms and break legs,” Huffman mused.

How tolerant.

An unnamed Democrat, who dared to sign the letter, noted that many colleagues are “remarkably fearful” of the consequences for signing.

“Despite almost unanimous agreement about what needs to happen, colleagues are remarkably fearful of retribution if they put their heads above water,” the Democrat remarked.

Wow. Sounds like a party that really fosters open-ended dialogue and realistic debate.

Apparently not!

That said, the rebellious Democrats feel a sense of safety and security – for now.

“This buys time. There is still time for a course correction,” Huffman mused.

Until Team Biden and supportive globalists concoct some new scheme.

Though at least Biden will no longer be “jammed” through as the nominee in July, as some feared.

“This idea of jamming this in mid-July never made any sense and was just going to divide us and undermine our unity and morale at the worst time … But we may still have some tough conversations over an August virtual roll call,” Huffman asserted.

Quite tough, indeed.

Especially if Biden is intent on running out the clock … while Trump continues to soar.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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