The impending presidential campaign really is a tale of two different types of winning:
Under Trump, Americans win … Under Biden, the Chinese win.
And the Chinese have kept on winning, which is evident by the massive amount of farmland that they have zero issues acquiring throughout the United States.
According to a frightening report from the New York Post, quite a bit of this land happens to be located quite close to varied military bases, from Florida to Hawaii.
“The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation.
They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida,” the Post reported.
So, in other words, the Chinese have bought up American land spanning six different time zones, enabling them to have maximum observation abilities of what the United States military is and is not doing.
Their observational powers are further enhanced by surveillance balloons that Biden doesn’t bother to shoot down.
Needless to say, from aerial to terrestrial encroachment, it is clear that the Chinese are lurking about, looking for an opportunity to continue thwarting the nation while working towards their global domination ambitions.
Morgan Lerette, a former contractor for private military contractor Blackwater, noted just how dangerous some enterprises can become, emphasizing the degree to which they can use information against Americans.
“The Chinese are, or will, use this farmland to learn more about US military capabilities, movements, and technology. This will allow them to better understand how to transition their military from a defensive strategy to an expeditionary one,” Lerette declared.
The Chinese may well become offensive in the near future, especially if Biden somehow assumes power again.
Robert S. Spalding III, a retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general, also noted that the Chinese purchases of American land are highly “concerning due to the proximity to strategic locations.”
“These locations can be used to set up intelligence collection sites and the owners can be influential in local politics as we have seen in the past. It is alarming we do not have laws on the books that would prevent the Chinese from buying property in the US,” Spalding noted.
Yes, it is.
Especially as one of the largest owners of American land, Chen Tianqiao, is not only a billionaire, but also a full-blown member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
A bit troubling that the CCP, in other words, has effective access to the U.S. military bases via its land purchases.
As noted by The Blaze, Jonathan D.T. Ward, senior fellow with the Hudson Institute and the founder of Atlas Organization, declared that the United States must “force a divestiture of assets in the U.S. by communist party members or affiliates and they shouldn’t earn any money on it.”
The entire situation is even more troubling when considering that Americans surely cannot buy up any land in China near their own military bases.
In fact, not even the Chinese can individually buy land in China. After all, communism is not exactly the type of ideology that is in alignment with private property, or private anything, really.
In China, literally no one can own land, aside from the government and varied “collectives,” according to commentary from the law offices of Lehman, Lee, & Xu.
“[In China], all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land,” the attorneys reported.
So, in other words, the type of system that the Dems are gunning for.
Considering their incredibly invasive tactics during the pandemic, which included robbing landlords of the right to collect rent, it’s not very surprising that the Dems have a similarly cavalier attitude towards Chinese billionaires’ procurement of sensitive American lands.
Especially if the “Big Guy” gets his omnipresent cut.
Author: Jane Jones