Bribe’m Biden can make all the false claims he wants, following the obvious sham of a witch hunt against Trump.
In fact, his claims are downright ludicrous, accusing Trump of doing exactly what the Democrats are doing.
“Folks – the campaign entered unchartered territory last week. For the first time in American history, a former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency,” Biden blared, as reported by Politico.
Right. Not hard to become “a convicted felon” under the O’Biden regime, no doubt part of the “change” long promised by the ultimate anti-American president, Obama.
Speaking of which, when is the trial for Obama occurring? You know, the one in which he killed American citizens with drones abroad without any form of due process?
Of course, Obama claimed that the US citizens were “not specifically targeted,” but where’s the evidence for that?
Seems that drones “accidentally” killing US citizens under Obama should be a tad more concerning than Trump’s alleged bookkeeping errors.
Given the blatant weaponization of the judicial system under O’Biden, even famed television personalities are starting to come out against the steady descent of America into a banana republic.
Or a totalitarian state, what the “Big Guy” may well have been instilled for.
And one of those famed personalities is none other than Dr. Phil, as reported by the Daily Mail.
“This is a call to action to save our collective soul and sanity’ of America,” Dr. Phil declared on X.
Is it ever.
“What are we gonna do next? Find a “Putin poisoning posse” and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their Lay-Z-Boy recliners?” Dr. Phil exclaimed.
Wouldn’t be surprising if that occurred. After all, anything is possible within the “change” Obama promised.
“The current administration could and should do the right thing: dismiss now, even now, post-conviction of a political opponent, all such lawfare and pledge to return to the normal functioning of a government rightly run,” Dr. Phil continued.
The administration should, but it won’t.
Biden has absolutely no policy to stand on, aside from 44 percent capital tax gains increases and ever-growing inflation.
Now, Biden can now base his entire platform on “convicted felon Trump,” as if Trump weren’t already convicted before the trial even began.
Then again, regimes like O’Biden’s may eventually do away with trials altogether.
“What are we gonna do next? Find a ‘Putin poisoning posse’ and start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home, not so mysteriously dying in their Lay-Z-Boy recliners?” Biden exclaimed.
Well, that idea has likely been considered by Clintons’ comrades.
In general, Americans
“Accountable for what? A bookkeeping error. If Trump is such a criminal why couldn’t they find an actual crime?” one individual exclaimed.
That said, Dr. Phil is clearly concerned about the future of the nation’s justice system, especially when accounting for the blatant weaponization of it under the O’Biden regime.
Which is why he is reportedly creating an entire TV special around the sham witch hunt against Trump – “Trump Verdict: A Judicial Travesty.”
At this point, it wouldn’t be surprising if O’Biden tries to censor Dr. Phil.
Author: Ofelia Thornton