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Med School Professor Demands Students “Repent” For Being “Christian”

Med School Professor Demands Students “Repent” For Being “Christian”

The disease of woke-ism appears to have spread to the medical system across the United States, sounding alarm bells for anyone reliant on serious health care in the future.

Just consider the nonsense spewed by an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medical Education at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.

According to “Doctor” Sherita Golden, all students must apparently repent for identifying with any one of the following: “white”, “able-bodied”, “heterosexual”, “cisgender”, “male”, “Christian”, “middle or owning-class”, “middle-aged”, and “English-speaking.”

While the American medical system has long been known as one of the most elite in the world, it won’t be surprising at all when that reputation is thoroughly destroyed.

Especially when considering the types of “classes” that medical students are forced to take now,

Indeed, on the other elitist coast, students are apparently forced to learn about “racism” at UCLA’s medical school.

Oh, and don’t forget the evils of the “patriarchy,” which is also stressed in the new and unimproved curriculum, alongside critical medical skills.

Assuming such skills are even taught anymore, given all the lies spread during COVID by paid sycophants of the Democrat Party … several of whom happened to hold medical degrees.

Seems that medical schools are determined to churn out professional protestors, and not much else, given the direction they’re headed.

And with the rise of courses such as “Structural Racism and Health Equity,” it is likely that some medical degrees will become just as worthless as many of today’s bachelor’s degrees.

Indeed, the wording of a syllabus obtained by the Washington Free Beacon is rather alarming, to say the least.

“Welcome to the thread of Structural Racism and Health Equity! The goal of the course is for students to develop a structurally competent, anti-racist lens for viewing and treating health and illness. Teaching sessions will consist of didactics, case-based learning, small group discussions, and community discussion panels. You will also see this thread weave itself throughout the entire first year curriculum,” the syllabus blared.

Well, that’s nice. So wonderful to hear that the “thread” of anti-racism is deeply embedded in first year medical school materials.

Because that information will be so useful for providing actual medical assistance to people.

Of course, the class stresses the fact that racism is apparently everywhere … not only in the justice system but also throughout the medical system, apparently.

“The first section of the year will focus on foundational material and delve into the historical context of race within medicine and society, medicine’s reinforcement of health injustices, and how structural determinants of health such as race shape our present healthcare framework,” the syllabus intoned.

So, rewriting history. Got it.

“The latter portion of the year will be a detailed exploration of the social determinants of health and the power structures which shape these determinants and health of marginalized communities. These sessions will be more place-based, speaking to issues directly affecting communities in Los Angeles, and will highlight and uplift community movements and advocacy efforts striving for justice in LA. Skill and leadership development will be heavily emphasized in this thread, with the goal of empowering students to be well-informed, structurally competent physician-advocates within and outside of the clinical setting,” the syllabus added.

Well, but of course. Nothing like following up a heavily revised history alongside modern day rage against the “patriarchy” and “racism” that apparently predominate one of the most racially diverse nations in the world.

A nation that has given endless benefits to select demographics, no less, including the “right” for far less qualified to enter medical school with much lower test scores and performance than average if they happen to check the right DEI boxes.

All so they can attend a “medical school” that serves to reinforce their perpetual self-entitlement and relentless demands.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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