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Migrants Openly Threaten Sanctuary City With Asinine “13 Demands” List

Migrants Openly Threaten Sanctuary City With Asinine “13 Demands” List

Looks like the Democrats have created a real monster with their so-called “sanctuary city” policies, not to mention their general coddling of violent criminals.

Especially since illegal migrants have now fully exploited the ridiculousness of the Dems with their list of rather sinister “demands.”

As reported by the New York Post, the mayor of Denver, Democrat Mike Johnston, is likely realizing the disaster he has brought about with his own sanctuary city policies.

Indeed, Denver has been a key recipient of buses of illegals from Texas, a brilliant masterstroke on Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s behalf.

Indeed, the hordes of illegals, who have made Denver the largest per capita recipient of migrants, have apparently set up an encampment underneath a bridge and near train tracks, turning Colorado into a de facto tent city.

Johnson attempted to have the group removed, chiefly by moving all the illegals into (taxpayer funded) shelters.

While providing “free” housing is bad enough, what’s really bad is the illegals clearly have doubled down on their criminal behavior, openly defying the mayor’s wishes.

Indeed, Mike Johnston was soon met with a rather rude wakeup call, especially as the migrants are now engaged in a battle with Denver Human Services.

Hilariously, the migrants have allegedly put together a list of “13 demands,” though the perfectly written English suggests they have someone rather sinister backing them.

In the meantime, the list of their entitlements buggers belief.

Consider the first demand: “Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc. … Also, people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food.”

Wow, is that all? Gee, never mind that many Americans can barely afford to put food on the table thanks to Bidenomics.

Now illegal migrants are demanding “culturally appropriate” ingredients?

Sounds exactly like the asinine justification New York City Mayor Eric Adams, also a Democrat, gave for his $1,200+ monthly cash handouts to illegals.

The second demand is also insane, not to mention contrary to the so-called “Green Deal” pushed by the Dems: “Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians.”

Actually, you’re all wastrels and criminals, not to mention some of the most egregious, ungrateful leeches the nation has ever seen.

As for “without time limits?” Isn’t that against all the so-called “conservation” that Dems used to rant about? Hasn’t the West Coast notoriously suffered droughts for years?

Now illegals are demanding endless showers, undoubtedly with endless hot water?

Seems Dems are more comfortable ordering American citizens to buy $60,000+ EVs than get illegal migration (and crime) under control.

Of course, the entitled illegals are angling even higher than free food and endless showers: They also demand free lawyers.

Indeed, the seventh demand on the list makes it clear that all the illegals expect personalized legal services, for “free.”

Specifically, the nefarious individual backing the illegals declares: “Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates.”

Oh, do they mean court dates set in 2027 and 2028, much like the court date for the illegal migrant that just raped an 11-year-old in Florida?

That illegal had a court date set for 2027 while illegally entering the nation in 2024, and the violent criminal apparently couldn’t resist raping an 11-year-old weeks after his arrival on US soil.

At least it happened in Florida – if he were in New York, he would already be out on the streets, free to rape and terrorize again.

Perhaps the most hilarious demand of all highlights the total deficiency of self-awareness amongst illegals and lunacy amongst the Dems, where they openly proclaim that they are not criminals.

Consider the ninth demand: “No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such.”

Oh, is that so? Ever occur to the virulent illegals that entering a nation illegally is technically a violation of federal crime?

Of course, the illegals had their ultra-left backers rushing to their defense.

Reeves, spokesperson for “Housekeys Action Network Denver,” has apparently whined about how unfair it is that the illegals don’t receive de facto catering services.

“There have been so many complaints about the food being spoiled or not being enough and malnutrition amongst children,” Reeves whined.

“Not being enough,” huh? As if it’s Americans jobs to pay for stuffing the faces of criminals.

As for the “malnutrition amongst children” … perhaps illegals should have thought of that before forcing young kids to traverse several thousand miles, which is undoubtedly the source of their “malnutrition.”

“Every new migrant that comes is going to be left to fend for themselves after 24 to 72 hours … It’s a slap in the face and an offensive period of time,” Reeves declared.

Uh, Reeves? The “new migrants” in other nations would have already been met with death by penetrating the borders.

Indeed, most Sub-Saharan African nations do a better job of defending their borders than the United States does, and they don’t play around when it comes to military responses either.

Perhaps most disturbingly of all, illegal migrants are clamoring for the “right” to live in the private homes of Americans, which Republican Representative Lauren Boebert has warned about the Dems’ latest, sinister move towards eminent domain.

“Denver has now opened a hotline for residents to call and offer up their own homes to illegals … If you have extra space, you’re encouraged to host a ‘migrant’ for some time. This is the most asinine and ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Boebert declared.

Sadly, Colorado appears to be following the lead of Massachusetts, which has similarly called for Americans to house unvetted illegals in their homes.

Looks like major league replacement to most sane people …

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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