If you find yourself unexpectedly bumped from a flight (that you paid for), you have Biden’s rather terrible, pro-illegal immigration policies to thank.
As detailed by The Blaze, illegal migrants are apparently on standby lists to go onwards to sanctuary cities of their choosing, and they are more than eager to take over seats handed to them by airlines clearly being paid by the government … who in turn is being paid by the taxpayers.
“I could not believe what I was watching this morning when I was on Twitter,” conservative activist Sara Gonzalez remarked, in reference to a local news report.
And what an informative report it was.
“Airline passengers are advised to check in with your Airlines mobile app as soon as possible — up to 24 hours in advance — and arrive at the airport with at least two hours before your plane takes off. That’s because asylum seekers illegally released by the Department of Homeland Security are waiting on standby for seats, and if you aren’t at the boarding gate when agents start to fill empty seats, you could be bumped,” a reporter warned.
That’s nice. So, Americans have to arrive even earlier to the airport, all to make sure that the seats they paid for aren’t given away to some illegal?
Exactly how much is the current White House paying each airline per seat per illegal?
On top of getting “free” airplane flights, illegal migrants are also given additional benefits, such as expedited TSA screening. Despite the fact they obviously need the most screening.
How appropriate, considering most of them underwent almost no screening to get into the nation in the first place.
“They get priority through TSA … they get to take your seat on the plane, and then they get to come to a city near you where they get to keep your kids out of school because they get a cot in your kids’ school,” Gonzalez continued in astonishment.
Yup. Good old New York City has abruptly shut down schools a few days now for illegal migrants.
Great “investment” in public education.
Other Blaze contributors are convinced that airlines are indeed being paid off by the government to prioritize illegals.
“The state has to be paying these airlines in some capacity … That’s the only reason they would bump somebody off of a plane … They’re getting their pockets lined,” BlazeTV contributor Eric July remarked.
Exactly. Just like the fiasco in New York City with illegal migrants staying in luxury hotels.
“What does a legitimate election even look like with 50/60/70 million illegal immigrants in your country?” Blaze Media digital strategist Logan Hall queried.
An election that is most definitely reliant on the electoral college.
After all, if the election were to go to a direct popular vote, then millions upon millions of illegals would most definitely sway the election in favor the party handing out chronic freebies.
Little wonder that the Dems are already jabbering about eliminating the direct popular vote, a la Clinton.
“I think [the electoral college] needs to be eliminated … I’d like to see us move beyond it, yes,” Clinton declared.
Of course she does. In doing so, illegals really would swing every single election … in favor of the most fiscally irresponsible.
Author: Jane Jones