Approximately one year ago, illegal migrants in New York City made headlines for enjoying (and continuing to enjoy) months of taxpayer funded stays in five-star hotels, which is estimated to cost the woke city’s dwindling taxpayer base up to $600,000 per night.
And the jaw-dropping cost to New York City’s less than savvy voting base wasn’t the only reason they made headlines.
They also made headlines for their virulent behavior during their extended hotel stays, which, per one disgusted employee, included “trashing rooms, drinking all day, smoking marijuana and having sex in the stairwell,” as well as “domestic violence” and assaults on hotel security officers.
Naturally, the illegals, even the violent ones, weren’t “evicted.”
Furthermore, the so-called refugees apparently complained about the “free” meals they received, with many of them hurling meals straight into the trash can and raging about wanting better meals.
Most sensible leaders would have thrown out the ungrateful, violent, and clearly lazy illegals by now, many of whom don’t even speak English (or attempt to do so).
Then again, most sensible leaders would have effective, enforced national security policies in the first place.
Alas, ultra-woke Mayor Eric Adams, whose clear disregard of Americans has become clearer and clearer over time, has apparently decided that rewarding terrible behavior is a great idea.
And that reward apparently includes funding migrants’ food, cigarettes, alcohol, and who knows what else to the tune of $1,000 per month, on preloaded debit cards fully supported by taxpayer cash.
That’s right: Apparently feeling sorry for migrants who don’t like all the free meals they’ve been given in their endless five-star hotel stays, Adams is now telling them that they can have $1,000 per month to spend at so-called “bodegas,” well known for their supply of cigarettes and alcohol.
“Migrants housed in one of New York City’s hotels will receive pre-paid cards with which to buy food and baby supplies, instead of the city providing meals the migrants often did not want … The pilot program is being rolled out at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan, with 500 families involved, The New York Post reported. A family of four will get a card loaded with $1,000-a-month, equivalent to $35 a day.
Those selected will be given cards which can be only used at bodegas, supermarkets, and delis. Migrants must sign an affidavit promising to only use the cards for food and baby supplies, or else have them cut off. It is unclear how the City of New York will know if they’re just being used in bodegas as intended … It is unclear how city officials will check if cards are being abused – and if the scheme will worsen the crisis by encouraging other migrants to head to the Big Apple in the hopes of receiving free money,” the Daily Mail noted.
Indeed, such accountability is quite “unclear.”
Obviously, there will likely be about as much accountability regarding what migrants purchase as there currently is at the border.
Which means none at all.
Even more clearly, even more will flood to the city, just in time to cast their illegal ballot in the 2024 election.
Thankfully, at least at this point in time, the electoral system is still in place.
Imagine Americans showing up in Russia or China, or heck, even these illegals’ home countries throughout Central America and beyond, and acting the exact same way.
Something suggests that exactly none of those governments would tolerate that behavior – in fact, none of those governments proclaim to offer any kind of “sanctuary” whatsoever to exploitative illegals.
Especially those with predilections towards extreme violence.
At this point, more than one illegal has violently attacked law enforcement officers, none of whom have responded with force due to extreme fear of causing any harm to the Democrats’ apparently most privileged class.
On top of that, the violent migrants enjoy zero bail, much as violent Americans, and they are so darn emboldened that they raise middle fingers to reporter cameras, their cartel tattoos on full display.
Even more curiously, a huge percentage of these illegals appear to be young men, some of whom are periodically accompanied by partners with trashy appearances and even trashier personalities.
Or illegals with multiple children that they can’t afford and subject to utterly perilous conditions en route to the nation that they have every intention of exploiting.
Governor Hochul, who was instilled following the surprisingly saner Cuomo’s removal, is flapping her lips now about so-called accountability, which flies directly in the face of her egregious “welcome” of violent criminals from dubious origins to New York City.
Despicably transparent, and beyond political tactics … The tactics frankly border on, if not manifest, absolute treason.
Astonishingly, the United States is actually not the only nation coddling incredibly violent illegals.
The United Kingdom is currently suffering a sea of attacks on its own citizens from its own illegals, including gang rape and acid attacks, in large part due to “welcoming” illegals from the Middle East and North Africa, in particular Somalia.
In fact, after one Somalian, Abdulmajid Al-Amodi, was jailed for brutal gang rape in 2007, he was not only permitted to stay in the United Kingdom, but also to claim benefits while dealing drugs.
Somalians indeed have been some of the most violent criminals in the United Kingdom, alongside Afghans and other clear terrorists hellbent on killing or otherwise destroying Westerners.
And guess where one of the most anti-American “representatives,” Ilhan Omar, hails from?
That’s right: Somalia.
But who could forget? After all, she recently, and loudly, proclaimed, “Somalia FIRST!”
With impunity, of course.
Anyone else noticing a deeply disturbing pattern?
After all, it is no coincidence that total radicals have taken over the United States and United Kingdom alike, steadily crowding out actual citizens in terms of their ever-multiplying numbers.
The end game of which remains yet to be fully realized.
Author: Ofelia Thornton