“We join together to call for an immediate, multilateral ceasefire in Israel and Palestine, the release of all the remaining Israeli and international hostages, and the facilitation of humanitarian aid entry into Gaza.”
These words appeared on a joint statement spearheaded by virulent “Squad” Representative Ilhan Omar, who managed to obtain signatures from 384 “parliamentarians around the world,” per a report from The Guardian.
Omar has made a notorious name for herself, in large part due to being one of the biggest terrorist sympathizers who is presently “serving” the American public.
Serving up hatred and division, that is, the same type of negative emotions that fuel the deranged protestors who are presently obstructing public services while terrorizing Jewish individuals.
Omar’s unabashed support for violent “protestors” is especially unsound when considering that quite a few members in her own supposed party are not exactly on board with an immediate ceasefire, as reported by the Daily Mail.
Including none other than Nancy Pelosi, who has stunned the nation with a sudden call for an FBI investigation … into the very protestors that Omar not only supports, but also encourages.
During a conversation with host Dana Bush during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Pelosi flatly proclaimed that the pro-Palestine protestors are little more than useful idiots manipulated by the Putin regime.
“Some [protestors] are connected to Russia, and I say that having looked at this for a long time,” Pelosi gravely intoned.
“Connected to Russia,” huh?
Well now. That’s a sudden twist. For the longest time, Russia was the bogeyman behind Trump’s 2016 victory, a lie that has since widely been disproven.
Pro-Palestine protestors are hardly pro-Trump – in fact, quite the opposite, given Trump’s extremely clear allegiance to Israel and emphasis on peace in the Middle East.
Peace that certainly won’t be occurring within the Biden regime.
“And what we have to do is try to stop the suffering in Gaza. This is women and children, people who don’t have a place to go – so let’s address that … But for them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message. Mr. Putin’s message – make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see,” Pelosi boomed.
Bash then inquired if a substantial percentage of the protestors may be actual Russian plants, which is when Pelosi issued the most incendiary statement of all.
Not only did Pelosi make it rather clear that she believes many individuals have been paid to protest, but also that the same individuals may well be financed indirectly by Putin himself, which would warrant deeper investigation.
An investigation Pelosi openly calls for, which will no doubt enrage good old Omar.
“I think some financing should be investigated, and I want to ask the FBI to investigate that,” Pelosi brusquely declared.
Only Pelosi, amongst a few others, has the gumption to demand the FBI do her bidding in a highly public manner, knowing the headlines she will generate and the outcomes she may well achieve.
On the other hand, one cannot deny the reasoning of Pelosi’s approach, especially as the FBI will certainly contribute to national security more effectively through investigating pro-terrorist “protestors” than individuals allegedly associated with January 6.
What will be interesting to see is whether or not the FBI does anything at all, which would say quite a bit …
After all, the FBI has been quite keen to attack and “investigate” anyone related to Trump or January 6, if not Trump himself.
Should the FBI fail to look into the pro-terrorist protestors, even after Pelosi herself openly called for it, one may well begin to wonder where the federal agency’s interests really lie.
Author: Ofelia Thornton