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Woke Media Tries Suppressing Criticism Of Dictatorial Governance

Woke Media Tries Suppressing Criticism Of Dictatorial Governance

Way to go, Governor Gruesome.

Not only has California Governor Gavin Newsom succeeded in being the only governor to face a citizen-mounted recall election during the pandemic, but he has also now succeeded in driving more than 800,000 Californians to flee the state since 2022.

Given the chaotic state of affairs, including streets taken over by drug addicted zombies and drug dealing illegals from San Francisco to Los Angeles, coupled with a number of “smash and grab” robberies in which no one faces any real consequences, it’s not much of a shock that hordes of individuals have fled the state.

To the extent that California has actually lost electoral votes while the red states of Texas and Florida have gained.

Hilariously, Newsom’s response to the problem of the mass exodus is to attempt to pass even more psychotic tax legislation, which would effectively fine Californians for daring to leave the state.

Stellar governance, right there.

Now, in addition to all the problems that California is already experiencing, the woke media in the state has decided it’s a great idea to attempt to suppress fleeing Californians’ First Amendment protections.

Bad enough that Newsom wants to wring every last penny out of Californians desperate to leave, and even worse when the media in his state effectively mimics Russia and China by attempting to ban criticism of the truly terrible governance in the state.

Efforts to impede departing Californians’ First Amendment protections were abundantly obvious within the first few lines of a recent Los Angeles Times editorial, hilariously titled as follows: “Commentary: If you want to leave, fine. But don’t insult California on the way out.”

“To the people leaving California: May the road rise to meet you as you seek better lives in new places. Now, can you please extend some goodwill to those of us who remain?” the woke media outlet urged.

As if its fleeing Californians’ fault that others dig in their heels and refuse to leave the state, despite its obviously deplorable governance.

“More than 800,000 Californians moved away in 2022, and many thousands more left last year. Often, the departees, cash in hand from the sale of their $1-million bungalows, feel the need to express disdain for their home state, and even some anger too,” the editorial continued.

Well, yeah. Exactly what else are the departing Californians supposed to feel? Joy over the fact that the state punishes taxpayers while empowering criminals, all while letting endless illegals stream across the border?

Several of whom make six figures a year dealing drugs to overdosing Americans, mind you.

Speaking of illegals, the woke editorial piece was sure to defend them like crazy, which is also no surprise.

“Perhaps I’m sensitive because California – and especially Los Angeles – used to be the place people would come … And plenty still move here, especially immigrants,” the outlet proclaimed.

Well, no wonder … Of course “immigrants” continue come there. Look how many freebies they get, and all in exchange for voting for any name with a “D” beside it.

Heck, the strategy of just voting “D” is so obvious that even Nany Pelosi has openly proclaimed that’s the key Democrat voting strategy.

Little wonder San Francisco has collapsed over the past several years.

And, with the entire state succeeding in driving out its primary taxpayer base, it is likely that the state will become even less “golden” in the years to come.

How far California has fallen since the days of Ronald Reagan.

Author: Jane Jones

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