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Dems Demand Baby Bonds For “Households Of Color”

Dems Demand Baby Bonds For “Households Of Color”

Another year, another set of Dem demands.

Of course, these demands center on the Party’s ultimate goal: making everyone “equal” in poverty, in the spirit of their communist overlords.

This time, the latest tactic for “redistributing” the proceeds of Americans’ hard work revolves around so-called “baby bonds” for the less privileged.

These so-called “baby bonds” basically involve the government putting away money every single year for children from “underprivileged” households, or basically doing for the children what their own caretakers are incapable of doing.

Naturally, such “baby bonds” would be taken directly from the tax revenues of Americans who prefer to not leech off the government for a living.

Even more naturally, baby bonds are being pushed in blue states, where the cost of living is already completely insurmountable.

“Baby Bonds are significant financial investments made by the government into a collective fund on behalf of newborn children. These investments are managed by the government and grow throughout each child’s life. The funds are accessible to each child when they turn 18 and can be used to support an asset-enhancing activity, like paying for higher education, buying a house, starting a business, etc., that can increase in value over time or generate wealth,” the Massachusetts government brayed.

What a joke.

First and foremost, perhaps the government should not be encouraging people who already can’t afford the kids they have to have even more kids, several of whom become criminals anyway.

Secondly, what’s the point of setting aside funds for “higher education” if presidents like Biden will just “forgive” all the costs associated with universities in the first place?

Not to mention the fact that “higher education” really just appears to be antisemitic, ultra-woke indoctrination these days.

And, because the Dems just can’t help themselves, they apparently had to make “baby bonds” about color too.

“Children born into households with low income (which are disproportionately households of color) are prioritized through eligibility requirements set by the state or through a progressive allocation system, with those with the lowest income receiving the largest investments. This is to provide the most support to children born with the least resources, and to shrink the racial wealth gap,” the state government website continued.

Ever occur to the Dems that “gaps” in achievement may be attributed to gaps in effort?

And, as far as “the lowest income receiving the largest investments,” it appears that the Dems are intent on continuing their system of perpetual enslavement of generation after generation.

“Baby Bonds has the potential to massively increase the wealth of all future generations of young people, significantly narrow the racial wealth gap in our state moving forward and invest funds back into the community through homeownership and small businesses,” the Massachusetts state government website added.

More like “massively increase” the poverty that all Americans, save for the elite, will face, especially as taxpayers are continuously hammered to support individuals dedicated to being professional criminals or loafers for life.

As for homes and small businesses? Please, those will all be burned down in the next BLM riot anyway.

Unfortunately, Democrats have already made moves to rob taxpayers for these baby bonds, with multiple states either passing legislation or considering legislation to give away money to individuals least inclined to work.

“Connecticut and Washington, D.C. have passed laws creating Baby Bonds. Additionally, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin are all considering similar Baby Bonds proposals. Senator Cory Booker and Representative Ayanna Pressley have submitted a bill to establish a national Baby Bonds program,” the state website noted.

Little surprise that Squad members and their militant adherents would be the ones pushing baby bonds.

A push that other Dems have doubled down on.

Democratic State Senator Paul R. Feeley laughably believes that so-called baby bonds will provide a “jump-start” to individuals achieving “the middle class.”

“By investing at the start of a child’s life, we are providing a jump-start to individuals otherwise at a disadvantage by beginning to narrow the racial wealth gap and giving our most vulnerable residents a fighting shot at the middle class and the American Dream,” Feeley boomed.

In what universe do government handouts lead to a middle class existence, especially if the handouts are literally endless, or without an end date to motivate one to do more than leech?

Moreover, between Bidenflation and astronomical taxes, absolutely minimal chance of many individuals ever becoming “middle class” from said handouts … though a whole lot of Americans will probably fall out of the middle class to pay for the irresponsibility of others.

Author: Jane Jones

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