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Anti-Trump Comedian Accidentally Empowers Trump

Anti-Trump Comedian Accidentally Empowers Trump

The indictment against Hunter Biden has caught quite a few people’s attention, and it’s provided a huge amount of material for comedians.

“The Republicans, they smell a little blood in the water because Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden was indicted again. Now, Trump’s going to have four trials, Hunter Biden now has two,” Bill Maher recently drawled.

Maher also expressed amazement that Hunter blew a reported $683,000 on human trafficked women.

Who knows how much he really spent. But it certainly explains why Zelensky is demanding so much now.

Gotta love it when woke comedians inadvertently endorse former President Trump, which isn’t very difficult – All they have to do is mention Hunter Biden and open borders.

Enough said.

Thus, Maher clearly has ample material to work with, namely the polls showing Trump’s increasing lead alongside potential legal issues for Biden & Co.

And while Biden may deny reality, Maher doesn’t, which was also clear in yet another recent skit that he did on Biden.

“I want to try a theory out on you why Trump is killing it – not just within the party, but he’s beating Biden heavily too,” Maher intoned.

Please do tell us, Mr. Maher.

“Because Xi, President Xi of China, came to our state this week and met with Biden up in San Francisco, and they had a little summit,” Maher began.

Yes. After all, China was going to collect on debt for “the Big Guy” sooner or later.

“And they did something very interesting in San Francisco. I mean, I have done many, many jokes as many comedians have about stepping and poop in San Francisco and, you know, it’s a city that needs to be put under control – so they did! Because Xi was coming! Put aside the fact that you only clean up with company coming over?” Maher exclaimed in disbelief.


It’s rather hilarious that the Dems were so blatantly obvious about their deliberate destruction of cities.

After all, the crisis could clearly be addressed if Dems bothered to do so, but it appears they are only intent on satisfying communist elites.

The type of communists Dems aspire to be.

“OK, so they cleaned it up, they rinse off the street, the homeless, you know, God forbid the guy who sends us the fentanyl sees somebody on fentanyl,” Maher added.

Now that is funny. Way to call out Xi’s direct role in overdoses across America.

Overdoses that predominantly afflict the disadvantaged, the same groups that Biden and Harris claim to support.

“This, to me, is why Trump is winning, because he talks about, ‘I’m going to open up the mental hospitals.’ Again, I’m not saying these are necessarily a good solution,” Maher hedged, well aware that he could be “cancelled” if he says anything too favorable about Trump.

“When [Trump] talks, ‘I’m gonna put people in camps, the immigrants,’ all this kind of stuff, and people just see a place – a country, especially in the cities that look out-of-control. And the fact that the Democrats could control it for three days, how about making it permanent?” Maher queried.

Yes, indeed. Why not make it permanent?

After all, more than one individual appears to believe so, at minimum if the Dems wish to retain their source of tax revenue.

“Look at how many businesses – anchor stores & entire malls not [to] mention chain stores – have closed or moved. Look at the drugs, filth & crime these encampments bring to the neighborhoods that they blight. And SF was OK living thru all that. All that is not enuf to prompt city officials to do something about ridding the city of homeless encampments. But the president of China shows up? And for THAT, for HIS VISIT they purge the city of this rat’s nest?” one commenter remarked.

Seriously. Perhaps Dems may “clean up” again, right before the 2024 presidential election.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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